Wednesday, June 25, 2008

“The Magic of Mind Power”

Power shackles active minds, extinguishes the flame of
learning and kills the drive for innovation

Science and faith in the Muslim world
David Dickson
27 October 2003
Coming to terms with modern science and technology is
a major cultural challenge for all Muslim societies. A new report from
the United Nationals Development Programme has underlined the extent of
the challenge — and the steps required to meet it.
Mahathir Mohamad, who is coming to the end of a
22-year term as prime minister of Malaysia, sparked widespread criticism in the West two weeks ago with an aggressive speech to the Organisation of the Islamic Conference in which he claimed, among other things, that Jews ruled the world "by proxy". Continuing in the same vein, he later attacked the World Trade Organisation for seeking to impose a new era of"neo-colonialism" on the developing world, and accused both the United States and Israel of engaging in "state terrorism".
Mahathir’s remarks on these topics were widely
condemned. Unfortunately, the outrage that they provoked has
overshadowed the main thrust of his arguments, namely that the Muslim
world cannot prosper — or even compete with the West — through
political or military dominance. Rather, it can only achieve such goals
through the use of knowledge (or, as he put it, brain rather than
brawn). In particular, it needs to find ways of embracing modern science and technology, while at the same time seeking to ensure that the way in which it does this reinforces, rather than undermines, the religious and cultural values that underpin Islam.
Coincidentally, a similar message was made last week
in the latest edition of the Arab Human Development Report, published by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Entitled Building a
Knowledge Society, the report stresses the importance of building a
commitment to modern science within Islamic culture. At the same time, it points to numerous barriers that currently stand in the way of achieving this, from the relatively low level of investment by many Arab states — their average spending on research and development is about 0.2 per cent of gross national product, compared to 2.3 per cent in countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development— to the difficulties in expressing scientific concepts in a
language that has changed little over many centuries (see Science
communication needs updated Arabic).
Unlike Mahathir, however, the UNDP report also
stresses the importance of creating an open social and cultural environment in which science can flourish. A healthy science base needs more than political support and strong funding; it also requires a political commitment that is sufficient to ensure that scientific ideas can be freely exchanged, both within a cultural, and between that culture and others.
As the authors of the report — based in universities
and research institutes across the Arab world — emphasize,
political instability in many Arab states has subjected scientific institutions to political pressures and power conflicts. "In managing these institutions, political loyalties take precedence over efficiency and knowledge," the authors say. "Power shackles active minds, extinguishes the flame of learning and kills the drive for innovation."
Lessons from the past Mahathir himself, like many other commentators, pointed out that this has not always been the case in the Muslim world. Indeed for many centuries, the flame of learning shone more brightly within Muslim society than almost anywhere else. Inspired by passages in the Koran that state clearly the need to encourage learning about the natural world, Muslim scientists and intellectual were responsible for a steady stream of ground-breaking ideas, from mathematics to biology.
Then things went wrong. A commitment to religious
dogma replaced a desire for the open-minded pursuit of knowledge, just
at a time when Western Europe was rediscovering its own intellectual
roots in the civilisations of Greece and Rome, laying the
intellectual groundwork for what was to become the Industrial Revolution. The more that Western technology prospered, the more determined many Islamic philosophers became in being able to offer an alternative way of life, one that challenged the fruits of modern science.
Mahathir may have taken a critique of this position
too far when he complained that one consequence was to deprive Muslim
states of the military technology they now require to face up to
aggression from Western powers (and to ask, by implication, for a
substantial increase in military research and development as a component of essential modernisation). Although it is certainly true that advanced weaponry has been a byproduct of modern science, it is misleading to argue that the linkage is necessarily a desirable one.
Nevertheless his underlying message is an important
one — namely that, in its philosophical roots, Islam has much more in
common with modern science than the policies and declarations of many
Muslim states (particularly those dominated by religious
fundamentalists) appear to imply. The message is important for the West, which needs a far better appreciation of the contemporary relevance of Muslim thinking than is generally acknowledged. And it is important within Muslim states themselves, where a commitment to critical inquiry, the central component of basic research, is a crucial weapon in the fight against fundamentalism.
Mutual understanding Of course, increasing the receptiveness of such states to modern science does not necessarily mean endorsing everything that comes with it in the West. In the past decades, the Western world has increasingly experienced problems that are created by divorcing scientific enterprise from any moral or ethical commitment, whether in the form of challenges to human dignity (as witnessed in the current debate over human cloning), or in downplaying the likely impacts of science-based technologies on natural ecological cycles (the most recent focus of the debate over genetically modified crops).
In such areas, it would be naïve to make excessive claims of what Islam has to teach the West. Indeed it sometimes seems that, in their own pursuit of modernisation, parts of the Muslim world can at times appear even blinder to the need for moderation in their espousal of modern technologies than the societies that its religious leaders criticise so vigorously. Nevertheless it remains true that, in many cases — and certainly at key historical periods — Muslim culture
has managed to maintain a dual commitment to scientific and ethical
values, including an appreciation of the natural world, in a way that the West would do well to emulate.
At the same time, it is important that Muslim
societies remain open to those ideas that are responsible for much of the vigour both of the societies and the science of the West. The authors of the UNDP report list some of these: "openness, interaction, assimilation, absorption, revision, criticism and examination". Of course, the lack of commitment to such ideals is not only to be found in Muslim societies, as indicated by recent comments made by US Lieutenant General William Boykin, who claimed that US forces in Iraq were engaged in a "spiritual battle" against Satan (comments that Mahathir himself was quick to use to back up his own case). The real challenge is how to incorporate these values into Islamic culture in a robust way; once that is achieved, and the need for adequate investment in research is recognised in political circles, science is likely to flourish with little extra support.

increase mind power

Reading – Discussion – Reflection - News
Part 1- WELCOME by Leader
Part 2 – READING : Mind Power – how it affects the Universe
(Last month we focused on “MIND POWER – HOW IT AFFECTS THE BODY”)
In last month’s Reading we focused on how the power of the Mind can change things within ourselves i.e. our bodies. This month we will see how the same power of the Mind can change things outside ourselves. In Mind Science we use visualization techniques or mind pictures for such things as increasing our income, winning in sports, and finding the pet or house or car that we exactly want.
We discover in these experiences that we have the power to create what we want in our lives. We can make every moment of every day a miracle! We affect the world, and the world affects us, through the power of thoughts and images. This is so because:
- Our beliefs about ourselves and our world govern all our
- Our images are self-fulfilling prophecies.
- What we envision in life is what we get.
These statements may be some of the most important things for us to ever know – both to get the most out of our movies-of-the-mind and to get the most out of life. Learn them well and live by them, and we will find that life begins to work!
There is definitely a relationship between the pictures or images we hold in our minds and what happens in our lives. We are also learning more about the mind’s power to affect the universe from scientists and especially from research being done in the field of physics.
Through our inner images, our mind is causing what happens to us all the time. Whatever we experience in our lives – whether happy or unhappy , or good or bad – is the direct result of these images. The problem is that we are usually totally unaware of them, and so we don’t see their connection to the results they cause.
The power of mind images comes from deliberately becoming aware of the images we entertain in our minds daily and then deliberately keeping only the images of what we want to happen in our lives. In this way we are not victims of fate but become directors of our future and destiny.
From today, let us be careful of what we think or say or do because they are all based in what pictures we keep in mind constantly.
c.i.f 0604
There is sufficient evidence to show that Mind power affects the Universe and the world around us.
Let us now discuss on how we can apply this principle to benefit us in our daily life.
List out some of the important areas of life
From each of the areas chosen above, discuss how we can use this fantastic Mind Science principle.
Part 4. – HEALING CYCLE ( TO BE SKIPPED for Circles that are implementing the “Associate Member” program (Vancouver and Singapore).
Part 5 – “SHARING”
By designated Speaker or personal testimonies by members.
FELLOWSHIP (snacks if available )

Joe Vitale

The Secret To My Success
Dr. Joe Vitale
Word Count: 1059
A reader watched my new DVD, Humbug, and was apparently impressed with it.
He emailed me this question:
"Was there one point in your life that was the turn around? I often ask people who've obviously hitched themselves to a Saturn 5 rocket the same question."
I get that question a lot.
I've been thinking about it long and hard.
I know that taking on the attitude that anything is possible is part of the answer; so is knowing the Law of Attraction and the idea that getting clear leads to preferred results; so is always saying yes to life; and so is the idea of being ruthlessly honest about your desires.
But those are mindsets I've developed over time.
They don't answer the question about the single event that changed my life.
The thing is, there's no "one point" where everything shifted for me. It was more a series of defining moments, some more memorable than others. For example:
Landing the book deal to write The AMA Complete Guide to Small Business Advertising for the American Marketing Association back in 1993, was a marker for me. I wasn't paid much money (almost none) but it was my first book deal with a traditional publisher and the project made me feel accomplished and important. It also got me more clients and more speaking engagements. (I still love the book and use it myself, though sadly it's now out of print. Some of it ended up in my new book, Hypnotic Writing .)
Recording my program, The Power of Outrageous Marketing for Nightingale-Conant in 1997, was another turning point for me, one I had longed to have for over ten years. People who knew that company and their wonderful products began to treat me like I was a deity in the marketing world. That also influenced my own sense of value. (That's also when I raised my fees. ) The program still sells like crazy today, and I'm still very proud of it. (One of my favorite sections is where I stage an interview with the great circus showman and master marketer, P.T. Barnum.)
Certain people helped me step up to a new level, as well.
Paul Hartunian changed my life. This publicity genius who once sold the Brooklyn Bridge as a PR stunt and got on Johnny Carson for it, once spent three hours over dinner in Houston telling me how to change my business. I took notes. I acted. Paul's giving was a defining moment in my career. I'll never forget him. He's one of my heros.
Mandy Evans has been a "miracles coach" in my life for more than twenty years. This wonderful author of such books as Travelling Free has always been only a phone call away. Whenever I feel stuck and ready for the next level, I call her. I love her. She helps me get clear.
Bob Proctor -- a living legend in the self-help movement -- changed my life when he politely nudged me to publish the little book I was fearful about releasing, Spiritual Marketing. That book became an Amazon bestseller twice, got me into The New York Times, and led to my rewriting it and seeing J. Wiley publish it as the now long running classic, The Attractor Factor. And of course The Attractor Factor got me into the movie The Secret, which led to my being on Larry King, eXtra TV, Time, Newsweek and...well, you get the idea.
Obviously, there's no one event that transformed me.
If you want to know more, I've written about my journey through life in such books as Adventures Within and of course The Attractor Factor. They reveal other defining moments and the people who triggered them for me.
I really wish there was a simple answer to the question of what was my turning point moment, so we could both learn from it.
But what may be better is to assume every moment is your turn around one, and act from that perspective.
Life would then take on a glow.
Backed into a corner, and forced to say something was the one thing that changed my career, I'd give credit to the Internet.
I began as an Internet skeptic in the early 1990s. I didn't believe all the hype about gold in cyberspace.
I was wrong.
I later wrote one of the first books about online marketing (CyberWriting ).
And later, when Mark Joyner urged me to let him release my first e-book (Hypnotic Writing ), I began to taste fame and fortune.
So I have to give credit to being active online as a turning point in my career. (Note I said active online. I was and am busy creating and promoting products, not waiting for the world to come to my door.)
The Internet let me take what I was doing locally and distribute it to the world.
But, as you can see, it was one of many defining moments.
Maybe the best way to wrap this up is with the following story:
I'm hearing from people from my past who saw the movie The Secret and then searched for me online. When they get to my main site , they write me and ask something like, "Are you the same Joe Vitale I worked with thirty years ago?"
One gent did that recently. Turns out we had worked at Exxon together long, long ago.
He saw me on Larry King and couldn't believe my level of success. He wrote to me saying, "I wish I had known what a gem I was hanging around back then."
I thought, what if each of us treated each other like we were gems already -- just unrecognized and maybe unpolished.
Wouldn't that single change of perspective make every moment of our lives a turning point?
As Goethe wrote, "Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them become what they are capable of being."
Dr. Joe Vitale is author of way too many books to mention, including the bestsellers "The Attractor Factor," "Life's Missing Instruction Manual" and the forthcoming head spinner: "Zero Limits." He's also one of the stars in the hit movie "The Secret." His main website is at Copyright 2007, Joe Vitale. All rights reserved. For information contact FrogPond at 800.704.FROG(3764) or email;

Abraham on Abundance - Careers - Money - Abraham law of attraction

Abraham on Abundance - Careers - Money

How can I attract money?
Whenever you are thinking about dollars and feeling good you are attracting them unto you. Whenever you are thinking about dollars and feeling bad you are pushing dollars away from you. Dollars Tape 1991, from the 10 part series.
About responsibility...
Take responsibility for what is happening in your experience and you will find your ultimate glorious, satisfying freedom to now launch into your future all of the wonderful things you can imagine. Abraham -- A New Beginning II
Is it my obligation to live my dreams?
"Your greatest detriment to your powerful ability to create positively in your world is the negative influence from those that surround you.
And when you allow it, you are creating by default. 
Follow your bliss and remember that unless you feel good about yourself, you have nothing of value to offer to any other.
Choose your surroundings wisely -- this is your own life. 
You have that option. 
In reality, you have that obligation.
If you don't live your dreams.....who will?" -- Abraham-Hicks
Am I in the place of allowing?
"... are you in the place that you are allowing the desire that your environment has helped you to focus? And we say in your joy you are allowing it; in your pain you are not." -- Abraham-Hicks, Tallahassee, FL 1/15/00
What is my true career?
"Your true career is your joyful balanced life experience. 
That is why you are here. There are many ways you can express yourself. Start creating from the inside out. 
'I want to feel good.' 
'I want to be fulfilled.' 
'I want to feel my value and my purpose.' 
'I want to feel my freedom.' 
'I want to feel my joy.' 
Confusion comes from not starting from your center. Do not start on the outside peripheral edges and try to fix things out there." Career tape AB-19
Should I sue my ex-business partner?
In most lawsuits, most people just use each other as their excuse to disconnect from the Stream. And then they just suffer until the one who is the least disconnected wins the lawsuit. But it is still an exercise, in disconnecting from Source Energy, that we think is never worth the price of the reward, no matter how great the reward of a lawsuit is. selected by Jerry and Esther Hicks From the workshop 9/27/00
How can I understand that there is not a scarcity of dollars?
In the morning when you wake up, none of you stand out on your porch frantically breathing in because you are afraid that later in the day there will be a scarcity of air. You breathe in and you breathe out and think nothing of it. What we want to get you to understand is that it is the same thing with dollars (or anything else), there is no need to go out and hold your breath in an attempt to hold on to the air in case there is a later lack. You are all MUCH closer to a financial fortune right now than you are even willing to dream about for fear that you will be disappointed if it does not come.
Abundance Abounds
In the same way that air flows easily and always to all physical beings, unless it is artificially disrupted or prevented, abundance flows to all. 

Abundance of wellness, abundance of Energy, abundance of enthusiasm, abundance of joy, abundance of all that is desired flows to you at all times -- unless it is artificially disrupted or prevented. 

When I am focused upon Well-being there can be no disruption or prevention. When I am focused upon joy, or love, or money or vitality, it can not be prevented. 

The prevention or disruption of this dynamic, eternally offered Stream of Well-Being, can be humanly prevented or artificially disrupted in only one way. 

By choosing thoughts of the absence of love, or Well-being, or abundance.
By choosing thoughts of lack. 

By the powerful Law of Attraction, it is not possible to think of abundance and disallow it at the same time. 

By the powerful Law of Attraction, it is not possible to notice the lack of abundance and allow it at the same time. 

Allowing abundance is really a very simple thing. Since it flows to me at all times -- all I have to do is let it in. 

Abraham-Hicks, 10/6/96, Calendar pg. 219
How can we learn from successful people?
When you watch the replays of your Michael Jordans, or any of them...there are many of them that have talents that you are wanting to experience yourself. As you watch them, ask yourself one question: Where's his mind? What's he thinking? But most importantly, how's he feeling? What's his mood or attitude? And what you will see, again and again, is, he feels invincible. He feels sure. He has utter confidence. In other words, it's his MOOD. That's what you're wanting to practice when you're watching. Not what's his shot. Not what's his game. Not how he's moved. Not what's happening with the other players around. You're wanting to look into his eyes as the camera gets there, as much as you can, or look into his body behavior and you're wanting to ask yourself: What's his mood? What does he know, right now? What's he KNOWING, right now? 

There's never a particle of uncertainty or anger or belligerence or getting even or blame or doubt or fear. It's all that other stuff, that knowing, that confidence. 

Abraham-Hicks, El Paso, TX 2/17/01
Just sing out, cus you want to sing out!
When you are singing from your joy of connection, no problem. 

When you are knowing your value and singing because the joy is just coming forth from you with no awareness of what anybody else thinks about what you're doing, in other words, its from a place of connection that you are expressing, everything goes well. 

But if you are expressing in order to achieve your place of connection, now its backwards. 

Another way of saying that is: 

If I'm singing to you because I love to sing whether you're there or not, I'm more likely to be connected than if I'm trying to do a good job because I need you to approve of what I'm singing to you. 

Its all about singing from the inside out rather than from the outside in. 

Its about caring more about the song, than the response to the song. 

Specifically what I want is to win the California state lottery...
Well, we have to say to you that, as the Universal Nonphysical Counsel – did that sound high enough or should we keep going? (laughter from audience) – we would far rather you selfishly intend for something to happen to you like winning the lottery than that you meddle in the lives of humanity by wishing peace on those who don't want it.
(Laughter from audience.) In other words, you get to choose whatever it is you are wanting and you get to achieve vibrational harmony with it, and when you do that the Universe will deliver it to you. In fact, that's your only work. Your only work is to line up the energy within you. Now peace on earth, that is a sort of meddling, stepping on the creative toes of a lot of people. In other words, that's going beyond the boundaries of lining up the energy within you. 

Because it's not any of your business what anybody else does with their thoughts. It's only your business what you do with your thoughts.
The only thing that can keep you from the freedom and joy that you believe the winning of this lottery is about, to keep you from the abundance and the feeling of mobility that you seek in this physical experience, the only thing that can keep you from having all of that is focusing upon things that make you feel other than that. And the Universe cannot yield the lottery to you as long as you are feeling the dissatisfaction of where you stand.
You have to feel appreciation for where you stand in order for more that will please you to be able to get in.
– Abe – Kona, HI, 12/9/00 (tape B)
Which is the right way?
There is such a tendency to say, "Well, I would do it this way, and if you don't do it the way I do it, then there's something wrong with one or the other of us." And that isn't true at all. You are just approaching things in different ways, all working. Whether it seems like it or not -- you are all working toward the same ultimate goal of joy. G-12/11&12/99
How can I attract my perfect job?
Q: Can you give me any insight on attracting a right work? Abraham: Well, there are endless possibilities for you. And you have been through your work and through your awareness of downsizing and through the work that you have not liked and through the work you HAVE've set off a very powerful vibrational resume. In other words, the Universe really knows who you are and what you like to do and what you're good at and where your desires are. And as you are in a place that is vibrationally other words, not pushing against the things you didn't like, then the Universe - IS yielding yielding to you - but you will allow the receiving of what the Universe is yielding. In other words, we want to say to you, it's not your job to figure out how, where, when, who. It's your job to know what you want to and to know how you want to feel and to trust that the Universe knows in detail everything that will please you and is yielding it to you and you'll know it when you see it. Our encouragement to you is to trust that it is ABSOLUTELY is coming. You cannot be as clear as you are in your desire and have the Universe not having ALREADY achieved and lined up circumstances and events. You just have to chill out an let it come and trust that you'll know it when you see it. And it won't be a "Yeah, maybe mmm mmm mmm mmm, yes, no, yes, no", sort of thing. It'll be a "Yes!!" It'll be a "Yes! This is what I'm wanting to do. Yes! Yes! This is it." Sacramento workshop 7/27/02 tape 4
*************************************************************** The universe is conspiring to assist you with your perfect job. We know that few of you can just quit your jobs today and start dreaming your way into success because there is this buffer of time, and the creditors would be banging on your door very quickly. So we are not saying stop all action, and start dreaming. We are saying dream a little more and act a little less. We are saying that 10 or 15 minutes of focusing and visualizing until you find the feeling place of success is the equivalent of many thousands of action hours. When you hold a thought purely--which means that you just don't contradict it--for 17 seconds, another thought that is like it joins it, and there is a lot of power in that joining. ...Because you rarely go more than 8 seconds without contradicting your thought..., you have not discovered the power of thought. Most of you have not discovered that the Universe is conspiring to assist you. You work hard from this attitude of unworthiness, from this feeling that you are not enough, from this feeling that you have to justify. You heard us as we were talking to our friend here [a member of the audience]. It was fun to talk to him, wasn't it, because he was so OBVIOUSLY off the wall. [laughter] Didn't you enjoy hearing him? Couldn't you really, really hear why he was stuck? Couldn't you hear how he wasn't going to let the wellbeing into him because he was so mad at those bad people [corporate types that downsize companies] for taking advantage of so many people? Didn't he make it really easy to see how he was kind of stuck and not allowing it to come in? It's a lot easier to hear when it's happening to someone else--especially to someone who has exaggerated it to this place. [laughter] And what we want you to begin to understand is that the Universe is responding to the way you feel. Don't think so much about what you are thinking. Don't think so much about what you have or possess. Don't think so much about how you compare with others in your possessions and actions. Instead think about how you feel. ...How you're feeling is everything. How you're feeling is your point of attraction. How you're feeling is your asking from the Universe. How you're feeling is everything that is coming to you. If you're feeling unworthy, you can work day and night, night and day, everyday and not allow the very things you want to flow because your vibration is not allowing it and the Universe cannot buck your current. How you're feeling is everything. So if we were standing in your physical shoes, we would let the contrast naturally produce the desire. It will. And when we felt a desire within us, we would look at it, we would recognize the weirdness of it, we would recognize how unfamiliar it feels to us, and then we would do what is our work. Then we would do what is *our* work. Then *I* would do what is *my* work. Then I would go to my work. I would do the work I have been born to do. I would get on my path and I would do my work. My work is before me now. Now I know how to do my work. Now I know what I am responsible for. Now I know what I will do. My work's simple. My work is to take that new desire and to play with it in my mind's eye until it *feels* familiar, until it feels like the manifestation of it is the next logical step.
I feel lost about my vocation. Help me with some clarity.
When you say you're lost and confused about vocation, we think that what that is about is - 

You know what you're capable of doing,
You know what you can do.
You know what you don't want to do 

You're not all that sure what you really want to do specifically, but you do know quite a bit. 

In other words, 

You know how you want to feel 

You know you want to be of value.
You know you want it to be profitable.
You know you want to make a difference.
You know you would like to be heard 

There is so much that you do know. 

So why not talk about what you do know rather than amplify that you're lost and confused? 

In other words, why not begin saying: 

These are the things I do know: 

I want it to be fun.
I want it to be profitable.
I want it to be fun like such and such.
I want it to be profitable like such and such.
I want it to be life-giving like such and such 

In other words, You said something very powerful to us, you said, I am getting so good at this virtual reality and I'm having such a good time that I have set out to collect stuff to use in virtual reality. And we say, why not set out to collect stuff to use in virutal reality relative to vocation? 

In other words, I want to be happy like that one.
I want to be prosperous like that one.
I want to have meaningful work like that one.
I want to have hours like that one.
I want to have an office like that one
or a working space like that one. 

In other words, its the same sort of thing, collecting the data in order to generate the vibration, in order to hold yourself in the vibrational pattern that allows the outcome. Very clear, isn't it? and easy when we put it that way. 

Abraham-Hicks, Albany, NY - 10/1/02
What are the benefits of basking?
You can feel good about the flower you are looking at, or the ocean that you are looking across, or about the smile upon the face of the child. You can be focused upon something like that and be feeling utter well-being. And in that moment of that basking, you are attracting the dollars that you want, you are attracting the abundance that you want, you are attracting the mate that you want -- you are attracting whatever it is that you want. It is about vibrating and allowing, you see? Abe -- G-2/1/92 (from the Abe calendar)
I am always financially strapped, what do I?
If there is not as much money in your experience as you want, it means one thing only: The balance of your thought regarding the subject of money is tipping more to the lack of it than to the having of it. You have only to deliberately and consciously offer more thought towards money than towards the lack of it. Abraham-Hicks, G 7/20/91 B
I really want to start my own business, but don't know my first step...any advice?
As you take the time to find images in your mind that are pleasing, you will more often achieve vibrational alignment with all the things that you desire. From that alignment, you will experience more inspired ideas and assistance form others. -Well Being Cards
What makes allowing abundance difficult?
What makes allowing abundance difficult? Awareness of not enough abundance. You can't have it both ways. You cannot focus upon the absence of money and let money in. It cannot be. You have to start finding moments that feel like you think you want to feel- and savoring them. G-10/5/02- Boston, MA.
Why do I have a hard time delegating?
Most people have a hard time delegating, or even wanting to delegate, because you have been justifying your existence through your hard work, and you equate success with struggle; you equate results with struggle. And so, you sort of wear your struggle like a badge of honor. And all of that is opposite of allowing the Well-being. The only thing that ever matters in success or achievement is your achieving the things that you want to achieve. So if you are setting standards and you're feeling uncomfortable about the standards that you've set, tweak the standards back a little bit. Ratchet it back a notch. Give yourself a break. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Lighten up. Be easier. Go slower. Take it easy. Have more fun. Love yourself more. Laugh more. Appreciate more. All is well. You can't get it wrong. You never get it done. San Antonio, TX -- 4/20/02 Abraham quaterly quotes July 2003
'Paying the price' of success does not make me feel good.
The sooner that you decide to stop 'paying the price,' the sooner success will come to you. ....there's something that goes like this: 'If I am going to have any gain, I have to have some pain. And if I don't pay the price, the rewards won't be that great.' And do you know who wrote those rules? THOSE WHO NEEDED YOU TO WORK FOR THEM! (Laughter.) The Universe has never said that you need to struggle, because the Universe operates on Law of Attraction, and the Universe knows it can yield to you and WILL, eternally, precisely as you FEEL. The Universe is answering your MOOD -- it is that simple. -- Abe, 4/15/00
Abraham, I want to win the lottery!
People, all the time, are saying to us, "Abraham, I want to win the lottery!" Well, we know why they want to win the lottery. That is logical. We want you to win the lottery! We would like you to allow the abundance that is natural to you to flow to you. We know that money is synonymous with freedom and that, the more freedom you feel, the more your valve is open and the more of it you spread around to others, you see. 
But there's not one in a million of you who has opened enough outlets for that money to flow. You say, "I want ten kajillion dollars to come to me! And we say, "What would you do with it?" And you can only tell us what you would do with a few thousand. "Oh, I'd get out of debt," you say limply. "I'd buy a new car," you say limply. 
We say, "You're asking for millions and you're [only] spewing ten thousand to the borders of the Universe." In other words, there's a tremendous imbalance. You've got to blast those Energy Dollars out there. "I'd do this. I'd do this. I'd do this. I'd do THIS. I'd do THIS. I'd do THIS. I'D DO THIS!" And, in the identifying of what you would do, you open valves. You create Energy vortexes. You create a funneling sensation that literally sucks, from the boundaries of the Universe, circumstances and events that will satisfy your desire. 
This is what creation is! 
Abraham-Hicks Phoenix, Arizona G-04-26-94
How can I make the best of this economy?
"You are having glorious economic times and there is not a reason for it to be otherwise -- for you as individuals, or for you collectively. 
But don't let what they are doing collectively affect you individually, it need not. 
Begin making statements that always keep you in the receiving mode, like: I'm not affected by what's happening outside of me 
I'm only affected by the alignment of energy between my desires 
I'm actually benefitting by what's taking place here because I'm giving more thought to what I'm really wanting 
I'm fine tuning my desires in a more powerful way 
I'm pulling more energy through me than I ever have before ... and I'm more deliberately paying attention to when I'm in the receiving mode than when I am not 
I'm thriving during these economic times as I've done before 
I anticipate that I will thrive even more during these economic times 
These are boom times for me 
This has really been clarifying times for me 
I am summoning more energy than I ever have before 
I'm clearer about what I'm knowing 
I'm in a much better place this time than at any other time 
I have a strong economic back drop or platform that I am launching from 
All is really well here. Law of attraction will sort everything out and we are all doing extremely well. 
And, when you hear others that are expressing otherwise, sometimes it is to your advantage to stop just for a brief moment and ask, "What is their reason for perpetuating this?" 
And sometimes, in many cases the answer will be, and it will be accurate when it comes forth, "They just don't know any better." In other words they haven't thought it through, it's what every body is doing. 
But sometimes the answer will be, "It is to their economic advantage to do so." 
And as you begin to acknowledge how many people are using this to their economic advantage you won't worry about the economy any more." 
G-3/24/01 San Rafael California
I'd like to feel like a Leisure Goddess all the time!
If you could just give you're undivided attention to where you want to go and never mind where you've been and stop trying to explain to everyone why you're standing where you're standing, you would clean your vibration up so fast you would attune to the vibration of your desire so quickly and people watching you would be amazed. 
They would say, "Who anointed you king of the world? 
How is it that you just wave your hand and whatever you want happens? 
How is it that doors open for you, that seas part for you, that you barely get an idea about something and the Universe finds a way to help you manifest it? 
How is it that you were born with this golden spoon in your mouth? 
How is it that you are the most blessed person that we know?" the throngs will say to you. 
And you will say, "All I do is think about what I want and let that dominate my vibration. And I don't pay too much attention to where I've been because it seems irrelevant. And I pay attention to the way I feel and when I don't feel good I try to feel better by thinking thoughts that feel better. And I've just trained myself to follow the good feeling." 
Tarrytown, NY 5/8/04A
What does Abraham say about tithing?
"Now, let's talk about that subject of tithing for just a moment. A lot of people ask about tithing, because they have been told that there is benefit in it. And they're usually told that by those who will receive the benefit from their tithing. In other words, "tithing is a good thing, give your money to me and your life will be better," is the general picture of tithing. The reason that tithing is beneficial is because, if you feel abundant enough that you have excess that you don't have to have, the excess is a vibration of Well-being. In other words, "I've not only got enough money for what I need, I have extra money," and so, it's that vibration of Well-being that a allows more dollars to flow. So we encourage that you tithe your clothing account, that you tithe your vacation account, that you tithe your eating-at-a-special- restaurant account. In other words, you don't have to tithe a church or a guru. Tithe yourself, but get into the attitude of excess. In other words, "not only can I meet my basic requirements, but I have excess that I can do other things with", because it's that vibration of abundance, that vibration of excess."
What is the economy anyway?
The economy is the exchange of human energy.
We did not say the exchange of human activity. 
The economy is the exchange of human energy, and it will expand or shrink depending upon the intent or desire of the masses. 
So think about what's happening. Billions of people on this planet banging around with each other giving birth to constant new desire.
And remember, ask and it is given. So the nonphysical is answering that desire and a very small percentage of you are in a place of allowing the desire to flow. 
Everyone could receive it, in other words the universe has the capacity to expand to could all be billionaires, every one of you. Every person on the planet. Because the universe has the capacity to expand to meet that, you see. 
But there are not that many that are asking. And there are even fewer that are answering. You get a sense of how this works? Abraham San Francisco, CA 2/20 & 2/21/99 Tape 3
What is the perfect creative stance?
You want appreciation. Even though you like what's happening now doesn't mean that you still don't want appreciation or greater stimulation. It just means you're not using something in your now as your excuse to not let in all those things that you've been wanting. The perfect creative stance is satisfaction where I am, and eagerness for more. San Diego, CA - 8/11/01
I want to utilize the Energy to keep my abundance.
What about creating a very obvious positive current of financial abundance? 
What about getting so good at visualizing that the money flows through you easily? 
What about expending money? 
Giving more people work? 
Giving more people opportunity? 
The more you spend, the more people benefit, and the more people get in on the game and dovetail with you. Your role is to utilize the Energy. 
That's why you exist. You are an Energy-flowing being, a focuser, a perceiver. 
You are a Creator. There is not anything worse in all of the Universe to do than to come forth into the environment of great contrast where desire is born easily and not allow Energy to flow to your desire. That is a true squandering of life. 
G-10/12/97, Rye, NY
Why does a person's second million come much faster than their first?
Once the manifestations start coming in response, it gets easier and easier and easier... 

Your second million will come much faster than your first, because as you get comfortable with the feeling of the first, the second is natural. And the third and fourth. 

Esther heard a very wealthy man, Ted Turner, saying, "The world is awash in money." And he knew it as he spoke it. It is his experience, everywhere he turns. He gave a billion dollars to the United Nations. Money is flowing to him and through him, more than he could ever, in this lifetime and a hundred others, figure out what to do with on a personal basis. 

"The world is awash in money!" And as Esther heard him say that, she knew he knew that. And she thought, "I know that, too. He knows it so clearly, that now I know it." It was something about the intensity with which he spoke it, that, in that moment, Esther knew it. And then, for the next month, she must have said that to Jerry 5,000 times. "The world is awash in money." It was a titillating thought to her, because she, like you, had seen where so many people had pinched themselves off from Well-being, that she'd come to believe that the world was not awash in money. She had come to believe that only a few had it, and they had it stashed back there somewhere where others could not get it. She thought that there was a lopsided thing... 

The world is awash in money! Do you hear what that means? It is awash in money. It is flowing for everyone. It is like Niagara Falls. And most of you are showing up with your teaspoons. 

There is no shortage of anything. 

Those who believe there is shortage, hold themselves over in this place where they disallow the Energy from flowing to them. And so, in their resistance, they have it not. And then they say, "I am proof that there is shortage. And that man over there that is awash in money is the reason I don't have any." He has nothing to do with your shortage. He is evidence that there is an abundance. 

Excerpted from Abraham-Hicks Workshop, Seattle, WA, 5/27/00
What if I want to manifest something large and complex?
Q: The thing was, my vision was really large or is really large, and complex. And it requires a lot of time, a lot of bringing people together, a lot of putting systems in place. 

Abe: Now, we're not hearing a whole lot of pleasure from you. This feels arduous. In other words, this feels like "my long, uphill struggle on the way to my success." 

Q: Well, the thing is I don't have those things in place, and the process of putting them in place is very energetic.... 

Abe: Well, maybe you're taking action too soon. Somebody's convinced you that even though your energy may not be lined up the way you want it, that if you'll just jump into action then other things will fall into place. And it's really a backwards approach to this because if you take the time to take the pleasure from the vision, then the Universe will line up the action and then it is effortless. You see, it just sort of keeps unfolding for you. It's like the next logical step–-oh, there it is; oh, there it is. 

Q: The pressure was, and I learned it from your tapes [??], that I wanted it soon. 

Abe: Why? 

Q: Because I felt like I had to have it or something like that? 

Abe: Why? 

Q: Originally I think it was I felt incomplete without it. 

Abe: Yeah, and you can't get there from there! 

Q: (Agreeing:) You can't. 

Abe: In other words, when you want something because you don't have it... 

Q: Right. 

Abe: you hear what you're saying? "I want this thing that I do not have. I want this thing that I do not have." 

Q: Instead of for the pure joy of it. 

Abe: "I want this thing that I do not have." And when you say, "I want this thing. I want this thing. I want this thing because this thing is fun to think about. I want this thing because it gives me pleasure to think about it. I want this thing for the pleasure I can milk from it." We want you to reach the place where you say, "I want this thing but I don't want it to come too soon because I like using it as the focal point that keeps summoning things through me." 

Q: I started saying that today, that's great. 

Abe: "Because from the moment I started wanting this, good things started flowing. It gave me something to focus upon. It gave me a reason for life force to flow through me. It gave the Universe a reason to rendezvous me with lots of other things." In other words, "Wanting this thing is the very best thing I've ever done for myself. I'm not sure I ever want it to come to an end." And we say don't worry, it won't. (Laughter.) There will always be something more and something more. And that is the strongest point that we're wanting-–we have never before been in a group of such collective consciousness where there is such powerful intent all congealed in one focused place. We mean that. In other words, you are powerful wanters here. And the thing that we most want you to hear is that you will always be in the place of unfulfilled desire, get used to it. You will always be in the place of unfulfilled desire. 

And so what you're wanting to do is say, "How much pleasure can I get from this unfulfilled desire and do I have another unfulfilled desire lined up before this one manifests because it is the unfulfilled desire that keeps summoning life through me." We would feel sorry for any of you who said, "Everything that I've ever wanted has already manifested," and we would say then your lights must be out. 

It is the not-fulfillment that keeps summoning the life through you, and you know that so clearly that you commit yourself to lifetime after lifetime after lifetime because [it] is such a delicious journey. 

Q: I have that, but what happens to me is that what I'm inspired by is large... 

Abe: Yes. 

Q: takes time.... 

Abe: No, it doesn't. Big manifestations come more quickly than little manifestations because there's more energy involved. It is much easier to manifest a castle than it is a button, unless you really, really, really need that button. 

Abraham-Hicks, L.A., CA, 3/4/00
Why isn't the money here yet?!
So as you are moving through your day and you notice that you have more desire or need for money than you actually have money and a big bill has come so you have this conflicting feeling where you want to spend it for this but you should spend it for this and even if you do pay it where it belongs there is not enough to really go around in the way you are wanting to. And in this frustrating moment of weighing the pros and cons of your experience, you fire off a rocket of desire big time. 

You've asked in a very powerful way but the answer, even though its given, is not received because you are more aware of not having enough money then you are of having enough money. In your anxiety you are not in the receiving mode, in your anger or blame or guilt you are not in the receiving mode. In your awareness of not enough money you are not in the receiving mode for enough money so more money cannot come, not right now, nothing can change. 

Now, you've asked, Source Energy hears you clearly, adores you fully, understands your worthiness entirely, and answers swiftly. So the answer is not just on the way, it is given. In other words, everything is lined up; the money SHOULD be there NOW. Why isn't it! Because you're ornery. (laughter) 

You're worried, you're frustrated. You've got your receiver set to a whole different channel. And so even though the circumstances are lined up, everything is there for you, you're zigging while your stuff is zagging, and you say "nobody ever answers my request." And we say oh yes, your request is fully answered but you have just been confused about step 1(asking) and step 3 (allowing). 

So the key is, once you become consciously aware that you want something different than what is, you have to through the power of your mind practice until you achieve a different vibration about that subject. 

Abraham-Hicks, G-12/15/01
How can I get my business to prosper in new and profound ways?
In your moving yourself up the Emotional Scale, your business will begin to prosper in new and profound ways! Your business, your relationships, your finances cannot grow beyond your emotional response--nothing can grow beyond your emotional response. Everything matches your Set-point of emotions on every subject that exists. 

From the Quarterly Journal Jul/Aug/Sep 2004
What is the basis of success?
Therein lies the basis of anyone's success: How much do I practice thoughts that bring me joy, and how much do I practice thoughts that bring me pain? San Francisco, CA -- 3/8/03
Is debt a bad thing?
Debt is not a bad thing. The largest corporations in the world are operating under huge debt--much more debt than you would even ever want to contemplate. And if debt were to evaporate from your world economy, your world economy would collapse. And so it's time to stop feeling negative about debt. Debt is not a bad thing. It's a promise of the future.
In a competitive situation where one person wins the trophy means the other person loses can each of them receive what they want?
By recognizing that there are many and unlimited trophies.
Of course, when you are putting yourself in competition and there is only one trophy, you are putting yourself automatically in a situation of knowing that only one will win the trophy.
The one who is clearest...the one who is wanting most...and the one who is believing most...will win it!
Competition can be an advantage to assist you in stimulating your clarity of what you are wanting and to stimulate or enhance your wanting...and, for that is good!
But...we would encourage you not to put yourself in competition where there is only one trophy but instead to see this world filled with enough abundance so that all who seek may achieve whatever they are wanting.
AB-3 Law of Deliberate Creation
Am I really the boss of me?
There isn't anything that I cannot be or do or have, and I have a huge Nonphysical staff that's ready to assist me, and I'm ready. G-1/12/97, Boca Raton, FL
Are some jobs more joyful than others?
There is no high work and low work. There are just opportunities to focus. You can feel as fulfilled and satisfied in any task as in any other. You are on the leading edge of thought, and Source is flowing through you- no matter what your endeavour is. You can be joyful in any endeavour that you decide to allow the Energy to flow. Boca Raton, FL - 12/7/02
To work hard or to not work hard is the question --- NOT!
But you see, you have more choices than you are giving us here. In other words, you have the choice of going to Octoberfest and giving yourself a break, and reminding yourself that you deserve a little time off and that life is about the process and that you never get it done and that life is supposed to be fun and that you deserve a little refreshment and that the refreshment will put you in a better place of clarity to achieve AND YOU ALSO HAVE THE OPTION OF not going to Octoberfest, of staying and working and feeling proud of your work and exhilarated in the motion forward and happy that you took the time. 

In other words, you've got the choice of going to Octoberfest and being happy or miserable and you've got the choice of not going and being happy or miserable. 

And what we are wanting to say in a way that you can hear it is: THE ACTION IS IRRELEVANT. It's how YOU DECIDE to FEEL within the action that you have chosen that matters, you see. 

We see so many people that work really really hard and feel resentful of how hard they are working and get nowhere from their hard work. And we see people who are working really hard who believe that they are supposed to work hard and feel proud of working hard, who achieve from working hard. And we see people who don't work hard at all, who feel really guilty about not working hard at all who don't make anything happen because they feel so guilty about not working hard at all. And we see people not working hard at all who understand that it doesn't take hard work, who thrive in their not working hard at all. 

THE ACTION IS IRRELEVANT. Its the way you've lined up your energy around the action. 

If someone has convinced you that it takes really-really hard work and lots of concentration and struggle in order to really succeed, but they've convinced you that hard work and struggle will give you success, then you better work really-really hard and if you are willing to work really-really hard, you can find your success. 

But we promise you, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO work hard and struggle in order to have success UNLESS you believe you have to work hard and struggle in order to have success. 

Its all about your personal alignment of energy.
On work and play
Abraham: As the virtuous being that you want to be, do you really think that it is better to work or to play? 

Audience: PLAY!!!!! 

Abraham: Really? You really think that? 

You think that now... You think that now because we have influenced you to ... but ... now think about your children. So, it's Saturday morning and you have a long list of things that need to be done AND this is the only opportunity AND they want to play. 

Do you want them to play or do you want them to do their chores, WHICH is a virtuous thing? 

And how do you counsel them, Do you say 'Kids, PLAY!' or do you say 'Kids, we've got some things that need to be done and when we get our work done then we can play." What is it folks? In other words, YOU CAN'T KID US, WE READ YOUR ENERGY!!!!! 

You DO think that work is more virtuous and that play is more frivolous, and while you want to give yourselves permission to play, you've been programmed to believe that play is only when the work is done... 

And we're wanting you to realize whether you call it play or work ... let's not call it play or work anymore, let's call it satisfaction, let's call it meaningful experience, let's call it joyous moments in time, let's call it mining opportunities to feel good. 


We think it's the differentiation between my free time and my bondage time that is at issue here. 

Abraham-Hicks, Cinn, Ohio -- 9/23/02 - Side 2

Abundance money management

The issue of money is the most talked about subject in the Bible. There are over 2,000 verses on this subject. God is pointing out to us that money is a serious contender for our thoughts, concerns, wants, etc. Eventually, money no longer becomes a means to a goal but the goal itself. This is why many couples find themselves torn apart over the family’s financial situation – it can become a consuming fire. Because money is probably the number one contender for our thoughts, hopes, fears, etc., financial difficulties can seriously affect our relationship with God. It definitely affects our relationships with others.
1 Tim 6:10 – “For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”
James 1:9-11 – “9 But the brother of humble circumstances is to glory in his high position; 10 and the rich man is to glory in his humiliation, because like flowering grass he will pass away. 11 For the sun rises with a scorching wind and withers the grass; and its flower falls off and the beauty of its appearance is destroyed; so too the rich man in the midst of his pursuits will fade away.”
Definition of Success – the continued achievement of God-given goals.
Financial Planning – the predetermined use of financial resources in order to accomplish those goals and objectives.
Matthew 25:14-30
14"For it is just like a man about to go on a journey, who called his own slaves and entrusted his possessions to them.
15"To one he gave five talents, to another, two, and to another, one, each according to his own ability; and he went on his journey.
16"Immediately the one who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and gained five more talents.
17"In the same manner the one who had received the two talents gained two more.
18"But he who received the one talent went away, and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's money.
19"Now after a long time the master of those slaves came and settled accounts with them. 20"The one who had received the five talents came up and brought five more talents, saying, 'Master, you entrusted five talents to me. See, I have gained five more talents.'
21"His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.'
22"Also the one who had received the two talents came up and said, 'Master, you entrusted two talents to me. See, I have gained two more talents.'
23"His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.'
24"And the one also who had received the one talent came up and said, 'Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you scattered no seed.
25'And I was afraid, and went away and hid your talent in the ground. See, you have what is yours.'
26"But his master answered and said to him, 'You wicked, lazy slave, you knew that I reap where I did not sow and gather where I scattered no seed.
27'Then you ought to have put my money in the bank, and on my arrival I would have received my money back with interest.
28'Therefore take away the talent from him, and give it to the one who has the ten talents.'
29"For to everyone who has, more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away.
30"Throw out the worthless slave into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Four (4) Biblical Principles of Money Management
God owns it all. He has the right to all that He wants whenever He chooses to have it.
I, as a steward, have responsibilities over that which God has entrusted to me, but God, as owner, has rights because it is all His.
Because God owns it all, every spending decision that I make becomes a spiritual decision.
We cannot fake stewardship. (God owns it all and is all knowing, all seeing.)
We are in a growth process. God uses the money and material possessions He has entrusted to us as a tool, a test and a testimony.
11 Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. 12 I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. 13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:11-13
God can use my use of the resources He has entrusted to me as a testimony to the world. My attitude as a Christian toward my financial situation is the testimony.
11"Therefore if you have not been faithful in the use of unrighteous wealth, who will entrust the true riches to you? 12"And if you have not been faithful in the use of that which is another's, who will give you that which is your own? Luke 16:11-12
3. The amount is never important. How you handle what you have been entrusted with is important, though. Whatever God chooses to entrust you with, hold with an open hand, allowing Him to entrust you with more if he so chooses, or allowing Him to take whatever He wants. Remember, it is all His anyway.
Faith requires action. (refer back to Matthew 25:24-30) Accumulating financial resources should never be an end in itself. Resources are accumulated only to use them to accomplish some purpose, goal or objective. Asking the questions, “What are you trying to accomplish?” when spending money helps to focus the decision on real objectives.
Guaranteed Financial Success
God owns it all.
Money is never an end in itself, but is merely a resource used to accomplish other goals and objectives. If it becomes your focus, you are doomed to disappointment, because it was never intended by our Creator to be anything more than a resource.
Spend less than you earn and do it for a long time, and you will be financially successful. (Get rich slowly). Only true discretionary place to cut spending is in lifestyle. Accumulation of financial resources merely requires patience and self-discipline, both of which are fruits of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22
In order to meet long term goals, those goals must take priority over your short term goals – delayed gratification.
Financial Planning Overview
All of us have limited resources.
Consequently, there are more alternative uses of money available than money available.
Today’s decisions determine destiny (a dollar spent is gone forever and can never be used again).
The longer the term of perspective, the better is the decision making.
Short Range Objectives
Given away.
Spent to support a lifestyle.
Used for repayment of debt.
Used to meet tax applications.
Accumulated or saved. (for the long term)
Objectives 1 and 5 are productive in nature. Objectives 2 through 4 are consumptive by their very nature.
There are just two (2) factors necessary to determine how to allocate the money I have among the five (5) short range objectives listed above:
The commitments I already have.
My priorities.
A commitment must be top priority.
Long Range Objectives
Financial independence.
College education for children.
Paying off debt.
Major lifestyle desires.
Major charitable giving.
Owning your own business.
If you can define and quantify these long term goals, then you will have answered the question, how much is enough?
Avoiding The Most Common Mistakes
Be careful not to reduce or eliminate an expense this year that would be more costly, perhaps, next year.
God is pleased to give you creative ways to reduce your expenses when you come to Him humbly asking for His guidance and wisdom. “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5
Biggest Financial Mistakes
A consumptive lifestyle – simply spending more than you can afford, or spending more than you should, given your other goals and priorities.
Lack of a budget.
Occurs in buying and selling automobiles. The cheapest car anyone can ever own is always the car they presently own, unless it is sold and the proceeds reinvested in a lower priced car; and the longer the car is driven, the cheaper it becomes to operate.
When you use debt to fund a consumptive lifestyle, not only do you have the consumptive lifestyle working against you financially, but you also have the additional burden of the debt working against you financially. Both should be avoided like the plague.
The only absolute way to avoid the use of debt, in the first place, is to have a financial plan prepared at the beginning of the year that does not allow for the use of debt and that through self-discipline you will stick to.

a millionaire mind

Why would I suggest that? Because I can only come from my own experience. Meaning that nothing I say is inherently true or false, right or wrong. It's just my experience.
The principles I teach in my seminars have totally transformed my life, and have now transformed the lives for over four years now. And if you learn these principles, and more importantly use them, they can transform your life too.
I began designing programs based on the 'inner' game of money and success and when we combined the inner game (the toolbox) with the outer game (the tools), virtually everybody's results went through the roof!
And that's what you're going to 'learn': how to blend the inner game with the outer game to achieve total success.
Josh Billings put it this way; 'It's not what we don't know that prevents us from succeeding, it's what we know that just ain't so that is our greatest obstacle.'
Therefore, it’s not only about 'learning,' it's also about 'unlearning!' It's important to realize that your old ways of thinking and being have gotten you exactly where you are right now. If you're really rich and really happy, fine. But if you're not, I'd invite you to consider some possibilities that may not fit into what you 'think' is right.
One of my favorite stories is a perfect example of how most people search for answers in life, but when the answers don't fit with their old ways of thinking they simply ignore them and continue searching.
A man who is walking along a cliff all of a sudden loses his balance, slips and falls off, but he has the presence of mind to grab on to the ledge. He's hanging there for dear life. He's hanging and hanging and finally calls out, 'Is there anybody up there that can help me? There's no answer. He keeps calling and calling and finally this big bellowing voice calls back, 'This is God. I can help you. Just let go and trust.' Next thing you hear, 'Is there anybody else up there that can help me?'
Whether it's by 'learning' or 'unlearning', if you're ready to develop a 'millionaire mind' and move quickly towards true wealth and happiness in your life, then read on.
Why many people tend to 'blow up' their successes.
The meaning and power of the acronym 'TFAR'.
Why not having enough money is never, ever a problem.
I explained earlier that people exposed to the same "outer world" wealth creation tools produce different results. When I began to add processes to help people develop their "inner world," the way they think and feel about wealth, virtually everyone's results went through the roof.
I want to challenge you with an idea:
If you're really rich and really happy, fine. But if you're not, I'd invite you to consider some possibilities that may not fit into what you "think" is right.
I once saw a multi-millionaire do a demonstration that changed my life.
The man held two deflated balloons, one substantially larger than the other. He explained that in this demonstration "air" represented money and each balloon represented a different person. He then proceeded to blow up (put money into) the smaller balloon (person). He maxed it out at about 6 inches.
He then blew air, (money) into the larger balloon (person) and maxed it out at about 12 inches. He then asked, "What's the difference between these two "people"? The obvious answer was that "the bigger balloon (person) can hold a lot more air (money) than the smaller balloon (person) without busting.
This demonstration hit me right between the eyes. I had just "blown up" my fourth business in a row and was in the midst of looking for a new "right" opportunity. Once again, I was searching outside myself for the answer. I had never even considered that maybe "I" was part of the problem.
The lesson was clear: "your wealth can only grow to the extent you do!"
If you keep putting more 'money' into a small 'person', they will quickly go bust! I got it and then could barely look at myself in the mirror for a week!
Have you heard of people who have "blown up" financially? Who have had big money and lost it? Or have had sweet opportunities go sour on them?
Now you know the real cause. On the outside it looks like bad luck, a downturn in economy, a lousy partner, whatever...
On the inside, however, it's a whole other situation. If you do come into some big money, when you're not ready on the inside, your wealth will be short-lived. Chances are good you will lose it.
Most people do not have the "internal capacity" to create, hold and manage, large amounts of money and success and the increased challenges that go with it. That's the primary reason they don't have it.
"The Roots Create The Fruits"
Imagine a tree. Let's suppose this tree represents the tree of life. On this tree there are fruits. In real life our fruits are called our results. So we look at the fruits (our results) and we don't like them. We think there's not enough of them or they're too small or they don't taste good.
So what do we do? Most of us put even more attention and focus on the fruits; our results. But what is it that actually creates those particular fruits? It's the seeds and the roots that create those fruits. It's what's under the ground that creates what's above the ground. It's the invisible that creates the visible. Meaning that if you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots.
In order to change your roots, let me introduce you to a very important formula. This formula is so critical that understanding it can change your life! It is called the Process of Manifestation:
T-> F-> A-> R Thoughts, Feelings, Actions, Results
Thoughts lead to Feelings.
Feelings lead to Actions.
Actions lead to Results.
If you want to change your results, your "Fruits", your will need to change your thoughts, your "roots."
This will help you understand why...
Not having enough money is a RESULT! If a problem exists, it's in your thinking and how that thinking manifests through feelings and actions to produce your results.
I'm known for saying "Give me five minutes and I can predict your financial future for the rest of your life."
How? In a short conversation, I can identify what's called your money and success "blueprint." Each of us has a personal money and success blueprint already ingrained in our subconscious mind and this blueprint will determine your financial destiny.
So what is a blueprint? Consider the blueprint for a house. The blueprint is a preset plan or design for that particular home.
In the same way, your "money blueprint" is simply a preset program or way of being in relation to money. And through the TFAR formula, your blueprint manifests your financial reality.
In the next installment of the Secret Psychology of Wealth newsletter, we'll look in more depth into the following topics:
How your Money Blueprint is formed.
What the 3 primary methods of conditioning are.
What is your Money Blueprint set for?
We discovered that people have a subconscious capacity for financial success which often results in their "blowing" wealth or wealth building opportunities: in short, your wealth can only "grow" to the extent that you do.
Further, we discovered the LAW OF MANIFESTATION and the acronym, TFAR, which means that your Thoughts (core beliefs - subconscious) lead to Feelings which lead to Actions which produce your Results. And naturally from this we can see that a lack of money is never a "problem," it's a result of conditioned and largely automatic thinking.
This carries us to today's topic which will help you determine the source of your subconscious thoughts, namely your personal money and success blueprint.
As I mentioned last week, your "money blueprint' is simply a preset program or way of being in relation to money.
Your financial blueprint consists of your thoughts, feelings and actions in the arena of money. Notice that these are based in your "inner" world, and that they lead to your results, which are based in your outer world.
So how do you get your money blueprint? The answer is simple.
Your financial blueprint consists primarily of the "programming" you received in your past, especially as a young child.
Who were the primary sources of this conditioning? They were parents, siblings, friends, authority figures, teachers, religious leaders, media, and your culture to name a few. Take culture. Isn't it true that certain cultures have a certain way of thinking and dealing with money while in other cultures it's completely different?
Do you think a child comes out of the womb with those ways of being? No. The child is "taught" how to think about and act in relation to money. The same holds true for you. You were "taught" how to think about and handle money, whether you realized it at the time or not. Then you take this conditioning with you and run on it for the rest of your life.
Verbal programming; what you "heard" when you were young.
Modeling; what you "saw" when you were young.
Specific Incidents: what you "experienced" when you were young.
Lets begin with "verbal" programming. What did you hear about money, wealth and rich people when you were growing up?
Did you ever hear phrases like:
Money is the root of all evil.
Save your money for a rainy day.
Rich people are greedy.
You have to work hard to make money.
Money doesn't grow on trees.
You can't be rich and spiritual.
What am I made of.... money?
Money doesn't buy happiness.
Money talks.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
That's not for people like us.
And the "infamous"... we can't afford it.
Most statements like these that you heard when you were young, are still with you in your subconscious mind and are running your financial life.
An example of the power of verbal conditioning came at the expense of one of our seminar participants. Stephen never had a problem "earning" money, His challenge was "keeping" it. At the time he came to the course he was earning over $800,000 a year and had been doing so for the past 9 years.
Yet he was still barely scraping by. Somehow he would manage to spend it, lend it or lose all his money by making poor investments. Regardless of why, his net worth was exactly zero!
At the "Millionaire Mind Intensive" he shared that when he was growing up, his mom used to always say, "Rich people are greedy. They make their money off the sweat of the poor. You should have just enough to get by. After that you're being a pig."
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what is going on inside Stephen's subconscious mind. It's no wonder he's broke.
He was verbally conditioned to believe that rich people are greedy. Therefore, his mind linked up "rich" and greedy or "bad."
Since he doesn't want to be "bad," subconsciously he can't be rich.
But he loves his mom very much and doesn't want her to disapprove of him. Obviously, based on her beliefs, if he got rich she wouldn't approve. Therefore the only thing to do was to get rid of any excess money!
Now you would think that in choosing between being rich or being approved of, most people would take rich. Not a chance! The mind just doesn't work that way. Sure it's logical. But in a choice between logic and emotion, emotion just about always wins.
Anyway, back to our story. In less than 10 minutes at the course, using several extremely effective processes, we completely rewired the money files in Stephen's mind. In only two years, he went from being broke to being a millionaire.
The second way we are conditioned is called modeling. What were your parents or guardians like in the arena of money when you were growing up? Did one or both of them manage their money well or did they mismanage it; were they spenders or savers; were they shrewd investors or non-investors; did money come easily in your family or was it a struggle; was money a source of joy in your household or the cause of bitter arguments?
Why is all this important? Have you heard the saying "monkey see monkey do?" Well, humans aren't far behind. As kids, we learn just about everything by modeling.
Although most of us would hate to admit it, as the old saying goes, "The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree."
It reminds me of a story about a woman who prepares a ham for dinner by cutting off both ends. Her bewildered husband asks why she cuts off the ends. She replies, "That's how my mom cooked it." Well it just so happened that her mom was coming for dinner that night. So they asked mom why she cut off the ends of the ham. Mom replies, "That's how my mom cooked it." So they decide to call grandma on the phone and ask why she cut off the ends of the ham. Her answer? "Because my pan was too small!"
The third primary way we are conditioned is by specific incidents. What did you experience when you were young around money, wealth, and rich people. These experiences are extremely important because they shape the beliefs or I should say, illusions, you now live by.
For example, we had a woman who was an operating room nurse, attend one of our Millionaire Mind Intensives. She made an excellent income but shared that somehow she always spent all of her money. When we dug a little deeper, she revealed that when she was eleven years old, she remembers being at a Chinese food restaurant with her parents and her sister. Her mom and dad were having a bitter argument about money, (as usual). Her dad was standing up, screaming and hitting his fist on the table. She remembers him turning red, then blue, then falling to the floor with a heart attack. She was on the swim team and had CPR training which she administered, but to no avail. Her father died in her arms.
And so from that day forth she linked money and pain. It's no wonder then, as an adult, she gets rid of all her money to try and get rid of her pain.
It's also interesting to note that she was a nurse. The reason why? She was still trying to save her dad!
At the course, we performed a little of our magic on her and today she's well on the way to becoming financially free. She's also not a nurse any more. Not that she didn't enjoy it. Just that she was doing it for the wrong reason. Instead, she's now a financial planner, helping people, one on one, understand how their past programming runs every aspect of their lives.
So now for the million dollar question. What is your current money and success blueprint subconsciously set for? Are you set for success, mediocrity or for financial failure? Are you programmed for struggle or ease around money? Are you set for working hard for your money or being in balance?
Are you conditioned for having a consistent or inconsistent income; first you have it, then you don't, then you have it, then you don't. It might appear as though the reasons for these drastic fluctuations come from the outside world as in, "I got a great paying job but then the company folded, then I started my own business and things were booming but the market dried up, my next business was doing great but then my partner left," etc, etc, etc. I've said it before and I'll say it again, regardless of how things appear on the outside, everything that happens in your physical reality, comes from the "inside." Inconsistent income is nothing more than a conditioned program.
So how can you tell what your personal money and success blueprint is set for? One of the simplest ways is to look at your results. Look at the "fruits;" that will tell you what "roots" have been planted.
Look at your bank account. Look at your income. Look at your net worth. Look at your consistency. Look at whether you're a spender or a saver. Look at your success with investments. Look at your business success. Look at your relationships that involve money. Is money a struggle? Do you work hard for your money? Do you own a business or do you have a job? Do you stick with one thing for a long time or do you jump around a lot?
Your blueprint is like a thermostat. If the temperature in the room is 72 degrees, chances are good the thermostat is set for 72!
Fortunately or unfortunately, your personal money and success blueprint will tend to stay with you for rest of your life, unless you identify it and change it.
If you're sincerely INTERESTED IN RECONDITIONING YOURSELF FOR AUTOMATIC SUCCESS, that's exactly what we do in our Millionaire Mind Intensive workshop.
At this program we actually identify your personal money and success blueprint and using several extremely powerful processes we change your blueprint right on the spot. This event has transformed the lives of thousands of people and it can easily change your life too.
Most of what we've done so far is lay the groundwork for your understanding of the mechanics of wealth. Next is where the "rubber hits the road" and you'll discover the following:
How to become Successful Automatically.
Discover the importance of Rich Thinking.
Practice thinking Rich.
We discussed the fact that your Money Blueprint is created largely during childhood and represents the basic behavioral programming you took on during that time. We also talked about the three major ways you were conditioned: Verbal programming, by Modelling, and through Specific Incidences.
From that point it becomes easy to see that your present financial conditions are the perfect barometer for determining your present conditioning. You're programmed to automatically achieve exactly what you've got now. If that's a lot--great; if not…well that can be changed.
Which leads us to today's first topic:
Becoming automatically successful means changing your present programming which may not be set for success and replacing it with programming that is. If you're set to struggle for wealth because you are programmed to believe wealth only comes from struggle and hard work, you can then change your beliefs to make money "easy," to make yourself a "money & success magnet."
But before you can change your programming you need to become self "aware." The first element of all change is "awareness." Become "conscious." Watch yourself. Observe your thoughts, your beliefs, your fears, your habits, your actions, your inactions. Put yourself under a microscope. Study yourself.
It's funny. As intelligent human beings we think that we live our lives based on "choice." This is not usually the case. If we are truly enlightened we might make a few present moment choices during the average day, but for the most part, we're like robots, running on automatic, ruled by our past conditioning and old habits.
That's where awareness, or consciousness, comes in. Consciousness is observing yourself and your thought processes so you can live from true choice in the present moment rather than programming from the past. So you can live from who you are today rather than who you were yesterday. So you can respond wisely to situations rather than react wildly.
Once you are "conscious" you can see your programming for what it is; simply a recording of information you received and believed in the past, when you were too young to know any better. You can see that this conditioning is not who you are but who you "learned" to be.
You can see that you are not the "recording" but the "recorder." You are not the "contents" in the glass, but the "glass" itself. You can see that you started off "empty", with a clean slate, and were filled up with other people's beliefs.
Again, beliefs are not true or false or right or wrong, they are merely opinions that have been passed down from generation to generation to you. Knowing this, you can choose to release any thought, belief or way of being that is not supportive to your wealth and replace it with one that is.
You can adopt new beliefs; rich beliefs. Remember, thoughts lead to feelings which lead to actions which lead to results. You can choose to think and act like rich people do and therefore create the results that rich people create.
Rich people have a way of thinking that is different from poor and middle class people. They think differently about money, wealth, themselves, other people, and life. We're going to examine some of the differences between how rich people think and how poor or middle class people think.
By doing so, you will have some alternative beliefs in the files of your mind from which to choose. In this way, you can catch yourself thinking as poor people do and quickly switch over to how rich people think. Remember, beliefs are not right, wrong, true or false, they're just past opinions which can be changed on your command. The fact is, you can CHOOSE to think in ways that will support you instead of ways that don't.
A few caveats: first, in no way, shape or form do I mean to degrade poor people or be without compassion for their position. I do not believe rich people are "better" than the poor, they're just richer. At the same time, I want to make certain you get the most from this so I'm going to make the distinctions between the rich and poor as extreme as possible.
Second, when I refer to rich, poor and middle class "people" what I am referring to is their "mentalities"; how they think and how they act.
Third, I will be generalizing "big time." I understand not "all" rich and not "all" poor people are the way I'm describing them. Again, my objective is to make sure you understand the principles being taught here. Don't bother figuring out whether you agree or disagree with every word. Just use what pertains to you. (My guess is it's more than you might want to admit.)
Fourth, for the most part, I will not be referring to the "middle class" specifically. The reason for this is that usually middle class people have somewhat of a mix of both the rich and poor mentalities. Again, just see where you fit in on the scale and if you want to create a lot more financial success, think more like the "rich."
Fifth, several of the principles in this section appear to have more to do with habits and actions than ways of thinking. Remember the process of manifestation, which states that our actions come from our feelings which come from our thoughts. Therefore, every "rich" action is preceded by a "rich" way of thinking.
Sixth, each "rich" way of thinking will be reinforced by a "Declaration" at the end of the section.
Declarations are simply statements you say aloud. They are extremely valuable because everything is energy and each declaration carries its own energy and vibrational frequency.
When you state the declaration aloud, its energy vibrates through your body and into your "being". This is a way you can transform your cells of memory, your conditioning, your beliefs, and eventually your habits and actions.
State your declaration each morning and evening. Declaring into a mirror will accelerate the process.
I understand you might perceive "Declarations" to be a bit "hokey". Maybe so, but they work. Regardless, I'd rather be "hokey and rich" than "cool and broke". How about you?
Finally, the concepts you are about to learn are simple but profound. They make real changes for real people in the real world. How do I know? We get thousands of letters and emails each year telling us how each and every one of these principles has transformed people's lives. If you learn them, and use them, they will transform your life too.
So here's an opportunity to Think Rich right now. Say the following Declaration out loud to yourself (into a mirror is ideal):
So how did you do? Did you say the declaration out loud? Did you embrace it as a new idea worthy of your consideration? Or did you decide to continue reading and ignore the practice as being "not for me?"
Naturally, saying declarations alone is not sufficient to totally replace your current programming, but it's a valuable step. More importantly, your willingness to embrace this time tested and proven process is the key to your general willingness to embrace any changes that will help you achieve what you truly deserve--unlimited abundance!
In the next Secret Psychology of Wealth we will be looking at 3 specific ways in which the rich think differently than the poor. In fact, as a head start, below are the three declarations we will conclude with next week:
I create the exact amount of my wealth!
My goal is to create extreme wealth and abundance!
I commit to being rich!
Today I will explain three more "rich" ways of thinking and will conclude each with one of the following Declarations:
I think big! I choose to serve a massive amount of people!
I am bigger than any problem.
I see the opportunities in everything.
We introduced three primary ways that the rich think differently than the poor. And to begin the process of manifesting change in your life I offered you three "Attitudes of Wealth" affirmations to say daily.
In brief I pointed out that rich people take complete responsibility for their lives. They understand that they're not victims but are in fact the architects of their own failure and success.
Secondly, we revealed that rich people "play" the money "game" to win while the poor generally play the money game "not to lose." The poor generally are focused on just paying the bills, having a few "comforts" and getting by month to month. So that's what the universe continues to send them, just enough to get by.
Finally, we clarified that rich people are committed to being rich and that is why they manifest wealth. Unless you are committed both consciously and unconsciously to achieving wealth, you will experience real world results which reflect your degree of commitment.
So, are you ready to round this series off with three more insights into the Millionaire Mind? Lets go!
RICH PEOPLE THINK BIG.Poor people think small.
We once had a trainer teaching at one of our seminars who went from a net worth of $250 thousand to over $600 million in only 3 years. When asked his secret he said, "Everything changed the day I began to think big."
In my book, SpeedWealth, I discuss the "Law of Income" which states that "you will be paid in direct proportion to the value you deliver according to the market place."
Another way of understanding this is to answer the following question: How many people do you actually serve or affect?
For instance in my business, some trainers enjoy speaking to groups of 20, others are comfortable with 100, others like an audience of 500, still others want 5000 people or more in attendance. Is there is a difference in income between these trainers? You bet there is.
Who are you? How do you want to live your life? How do you want to play the game? Do you want to play in the big leagues or in little league, in the majors or the minors? Will you play big or play small? It's your choice.
The truth is most people choose to play small. Why?
First, fear. They're scared to death of either failure or success.
Second is unworthiness. They feel small. They don't feel they're good enough or important enough to make a big difference.
But hear this. It's not about you. It's about living your mission. It's about living true to your purpose. It's about adding your piece of the puzzle to the world. It's about serving others.
Most of us are so stuck in our egos that everything revolves around "me, me and more me." But again, it's not about you, it's about adding value to other people's lives.
Buckminster Fuller said, "The purpose of our lives is to add value to the people of this generation and those that follow."
The goal is to share your gifts and value with as many people as possible.
To paraphrase Nelson Mandela, "The world doesn't need more people, playing small."
It's your choice. One road leads to being broke and miserable, the other leads to money, meaning, and fulfillment.
It's time to stop hiding out and start stepping out. It's time to stop needing and start leading. It's time to start being the star that you are. It's time to share your gifts and value in a BIG way.
There could be thousands or even millions of people counting on you. Are you up to the challenge for our society and our children's sake? Let's hope so.
RICH PEOPLE ARE BIGGER THAN THEIR PROBLEMS.Poor people are smaller than their problems.
Getting rich is not a stroll in the park. It's a journey that is full of obstacles, twists, and detours. The simple fact is, success is messy. The road is fraught with pitfalls and that's why most people don't take it. They don't want the hassles, the headaches and the responsibilities. In short, they don't want the problems.
Therein lies one of the biggest differences between rich people and poor people. Rich and successful people are bigger than their problems while poor and unsuccessful people are smaller than their problems.
Poor people will do almost anything to avoid anything that looks like it could be a problem. They back away from challenges. The irony is that in their quest to make sure they don't have problems, they have the biggest problem of all... they're broke and miserable. The secret to success is not to try to avoid or shrink your problems; it's to grow yourself so you're bigger than any problem.
Imagine a "level 2" character person looking at a "level 5" problem. Would this problem appear to be big or small? The answer is that from a "level 2" perspective, a "level 5" problem would seem BIG.
Now imagine a "level 8" person looking at the same "level 5" problem. From this person's perspective, is this problem big or small? Magically the identical problem is now a SMALL problem.
And for a "level 10" person, it's NO problem at all. It's just an everyday occurrence, like getting dressed or brushing your teeth.
Whether you are rich or poor, playing big or playing small, problems do not go away. If you're breathing, you will always have so-called "problems."
What's important to realize is that the size of the problem is never the real issue. What matters is the size of you!
Remember, your wealth can only grow to the extent that you do! The idea is to grow yourself to a place where you can overcome any problems that get in your way of creating wealth and keeping it once you have it.
Rich people do not back away from problems, do not avoid problems and do not complain about problems. Rich people are financial warriors and when a warrior is confronted with a challenge they shout: BRING IT ON!
The bottom line is that if you become a master at handling problems, what can stop you from creating wealth? The answer is NOTHING!
RICH PEOPLE FOCUS ON OPPORTUNITIES.Poor people focus on problems.
Rich people see potential growth. Poor people see potential loss.
Rich people focus on the rewards. Poor people focus on the risks.
It's the age-old question, is the glass half empty or half full? We're not merely talking about "positive thinking" here, we're talking about a habitual way of seeing the world.
Poor people come from fear. Their minds are constantly scanning for what's wrong or what could go wrong in any situation. Their primary mindset is "What if it doesn't work?" or, more bluntly, "It won't work."
Rich people, as we discussed earlier, take responsibility for creating their life and come from the mindset, "It will work because I'll make it work."
In the financial world, as in most other arenas, risk is directly proportionate to reward; generally, the higher the reward, the higher the risk. People with rich mentalities are willing to take that risk.
Rich people expect to succeed. They have confidence in their abilities, they have confidence in their creativity and they believe that should the "doo-doo hit the fan", they can always make their money back or succeed in another way.
On the other hand, poor people expect to fail. They lack confidence in themselves and in their abilities, and should things not work out, they believe it would be catastrophic.
I hate to admit it, but I believe there's also a certain element of "luck" associated with getting rich or for that matter being successful at anything.
How many times have you heard of a guy who plops some money down on a piece of land in the "boonies" and 10 years later, somebody decides they want to build a strip mall or office building on it?
So, was this a brilliant business move or sheer luck? My guess is that it's probably a bit of both.
The point, however, is that no luck or for that matter, anything else worthwhile, will come your way unless you take some form of ACTION.
You have to do something, buy something, or start something in order to succeed financially. You have to see opportunities for profit all around you instead of focusing on ways of losing money.
In Part 5 of this series I explained a universal law which states, "whatever you focus on expands". Focus on problems and that's all you'll get. Focus on opportunities and you will soon discover them everywhere you look!
I hope you have enjoyed this introduction to the Secret Psychology of Wealth. We've covered a lot of ground.
However, this should only be the beginning for you.
This would be an excellent time to review the previous emails. You will find a great deal more on a second pass than on the first read through.
However, unlike in my soon to be released book, because of the format of these emails I have not gone into the depth on any topic that I feel it deserves.
I suspect you can see that having a weakness in even one of these rich attitudes can be your financial "Achilles" heel. The same holds true for the other rich ways of thinking I reveal in my book.