Abraham on Abundance - Careers - Money
How can I attract money?
Whenever you are thinking about dollars and feeling good you are attracting them unto you. Whenever you are thinking about dollars and feeling bad you are pushing dollars away from you. Dollars Tape 1991, from the 10 part series.
About responsibility...
Take responsibility for what is happening in your experience and you will find your ultimate glorious, satisfying freedom to now launch into your future all of the wonderful things you can imagine. Abraham -- A New Beginning II
Is it my obligation to live my dreams?
"Your greatest detriment to your powerful ability to create positively in your world is the negative influence from those that surround you.
And when you allow it, you are creating by default.
Follow your bliss and remember that unless you feel good about yourself, you have nothing of value to offer to any other.
Choose your surroundings wisely -- this is your own life.
You have that option.
In reality, you have that obligation.
If you don't live your dreams.....who will?" -- Abraham-Hicks
Am I in the place of allowing?
"... are you in the place that you are allowing the desire that your environment has helped you to focus? And we say in your joy you are allowing it; in your pain you are not." -- Abraham-Hicks, Tallahassee, FL 1/15/00
What is my true career?
"Your true career is your joyful balanced life experience.
That is why you are here. There are many ways you can express yourself. Start creating from the inside out.
'I want to feel good.'
'I want to be fulfilled.'
'I want to feel my value and my purpose.'
'I want to feel my freedom.'
'I want to feel my joy.'
Confusion comes from not starting from your center. Do not start on the outside peripheral edges and try to fix things out there." Career tape AB-19
Should I sue my ex-business partner?
In most lawsuits, most people just use each other as their excuse to disconnect from the Stream. And then they just suffer until the one who is the least disconnected wins the lawsuit. But it is still an exercise, in disconnecting from Source Energy, that we think is never worth the price of the reward, no matter how great the reward of a lawsuit is. selected by Jerry and Esther Hicks From the workshop 9/27/00
How can I understand that there is not a scarcity of dollars?
In the morning when you wake up, none of you stand out on your porch frantically breathing in because you are afraid that later in the day there will be a scarcity of air. You breathe in and you breathe out and think nothing of it. What we want to get you to understand is that it is the same thing with dollars (or anything else), there is no need to go out and hold your breath in an attempt to hold on to the air in case there is a later lack. You are all MUCH closer to a financial fortune right now than you are even willing to dream about for fear that you will be disappointed if it does not come.
Abundance Abounds
In the same way that air flows easily and always to all physical beings, unless it is artificially disrupted or prevented, abundance flows to all.
Abundance of wellness, abundance of Energy, abundance of enthusiasm, abundance of joy, abundance of all that is desired flows to you at all times -- unless it is artificially disrupted or prevented.
When I am focused upon Well-being there can be no disruption or prevention. When I am focused upon joy, or love, or money or vitality, it can not be prevented.
The prevention or disruption of this dynamic, eternally offered Stream of Well-Being, can be humanly prevented or artificially disrupted in only one way.
By choosing thoughts of the absence of love, or Well-being, or abundance.
By choosing thoughts of lack.
By the powerful Law of Attraction, it is not possible to think of abundance and disallow it at the same time.
By the powerful Law of Attraction, it is not possible to notice the lack of abundance and allow it at the same time.
Allowing abundance is really a very simple thing. Since it flows to me at all times -- all I have to do is let it in.
Abraham-Hicks, 10/6/96, Calendar pg. 219
How can we learn from successful people?
When you watch the replays of your Michael Jordans, or any of them...there are many of them that have talents that you are wanting to experience yourself. As you watch them, ask yourself one question: Where's his mind? What's he thinking? But most importantly, how's he feeling? What's his mood or attitude? And what you will see, again and again, is, he feels invincible. He feels sure. He has utter confidence. In other words, it's his MOOD. That's what you're wanting to practice when you're watching. Not what's his shot. Not what's his game. Not how he's moved. Not what's happening with the other players around. You're wanting to look into his eyes as the camera gets there, as much as you can, or look into his body behavior and you're wanting to ask yourself: What's his mood? What does he know, right now? What's he KNOWING, right now?
There's never a particle of uncertainty or anger or belligerence or getting even or blame or doubt or fear. It's all that other stuff, that knowing, that confidence.
Abraham-Hicks, El Paso, TX 2/17/01
Just sing out, cus you want to sing out!
When you are singing from your joy of connection, no problem.
When you are knowing your value and singing because the joy is just coming forth from you with no awareness of what anybody else thinks about what you're doing, in other words, its from a place of connection that you are expressing, everything goes well.
But if you are expressing in order to achieve your place of connection, now its backwards.
Another way of saying that is:
If I'm singing to you because I love to sing whether you're there or not, I'm more likely to be connected than if I'm trying to do a good job because I need you to approve of what I'm singing to you.
Its all about singing from the inside out rather than from the outside in.
Its about caring more about the song, than the response to the song.
Specifically what I want is to win the California state lottery...
Well, we have to say to you that, as the Universal Nonphysical Counsel – did that sound high enough or should we keep going? (laughter from audience) – we would far rather you selfishly intend for something to happen to you like winning the lottery than that you meddle in the lives of humanity by wishing peace on those who don't want it.
(Laughter from audience.) In other words, you get to choose whatever it is you are wanting and you get to achieve vibrational harmony with it, and when you do that the Universe will deliver it to you. In fact, that's your only work. Your only work is to line up the energy within you. Now peace on earth, that is a sort of meddling, stepping on the creative toes of a lot of people. In other words, that's going beyond the boundaries of lining up the energy within you.
Because it's not any of your business what anybody else does with their thoughts. It's only your business what you do with your thoughts.
The only thing that can keep you from the freedom and joy that you believe the winning of this lottery is about, to keep you from the abundance and the feeling of mobility that you seek in this physical experience, the only thing that can keep you from having all of that is focusing upon things that make you feel other than that. And the Universe cannot yield the lottery to you as long as you are feeling the dissatisfaction of where you stand.
You have to feel appreciation for where you stand in order for more that will please you to be able to get in.
– Abe – Kona, HI, 12/9/00 (tape B)
Which is the right way?
There is such a tendency to say, "Well, I would do it this way, and if you don't do it the way I do it, then there's something wrong with one or the other of us." And that isn't true at all. You are just approaching things in different ways, all working. Whether it seems like it or not -- you are all working toward the same ultimate goal of joy. G-12/11&12/99
How can I attract my perfect job?
Q: Can you give me any insight on attracting a right work? Abraham: Well, there are endless possibilities for you. And you have been through your work and through your awareness of downsizing and through the work that you have not liked and through the work you HAVE liked...you've set off a very powerful vibrational resume. In other words, the Universe really knows who you are and what you like to do and what you're good at and where your desires are. And as you are in a place that is vibrationally neutral...in other words, not pushing against the things you didn't like, then the Universe - IS yielding yielding to you - but you will allow the receiving of what the Universe is yielding. In other words, we want to say to you, it's not your job to figure out how, where, when, who. It's your job to know what you want to and to know how you want to feel and to trust that the Universe knows in detail everything that will please you and is yielding it to you and you'll know it when you see it. Our encouragement to you is to trust that it is coming...it ABSOLUTELY is coming. You cannot be as clear as you are in your desire and have the Universe not having ALREADY achieved and lined up circumstances and events. You just have to chill out an let it come and trust that you'll know it when you see it. And it won't be a "Yeah, maybe mmm mmm mmm mmm, yes, no, yes, no", sort of thing. It'll be a "Yes!!" It'll be a "Yes! This is what I'm wanting to do. Yes! Yes! This is it." Sacramento workshop 7/27/02 tape 4
*************************************************************** The universe is conspiring to assist you with your perfect job. We know that few of you can just quit your jobs today and start dreaming your way into success because there is this buffer of time, and the creditors would be banging on your door very quickly. So we are not saying stop all action, and start dreaming. We are saying dream a little more and act a little less. We are saying that 10 or 15 minutes of focusing and visualizing until you find the feeling place of success is the equivalent of many thousands of action hours. When you hold a thought purely--which means that you just don't contradict it--for 17 seconds, another thought that is like it joins it, and there is a lot of power in that joining. ...Because you rarely go more than 8 seconds without contradicting your thought..., you have not discovered the power of thought. Most of you have not discovered that the Universe is conspiring to assist you. You work hard from this attitude of unworthiness, from this feeling that you are not enough, from this feeling that you have to justify. You heard us as we were talking to our friend here [a member of the audience]. It was fun to talk to him, wasn't it, because he was so OBVIOUSLY off the wall. [laughter] Didn't you enjoy hearing him? Couldn't you really, really hear why he was stuck? Couldn't you hear how he wasn't going to let the wellbeing into him because he was so mad at those bad people [corporate types that downsize companies] for taking advantage of so many people? Didn't he make it really easy to see how he was kind of stuck and not allowing it to come in? It's a lot easier to hear when it's happening to someone else--especially to someone who has exaggerated it to this place. [laughter] And what we want you to begin to understand is that the Universe is responding to the way you feel. Don't think so much about what you are thinking. Don't think so much about what you have or possess. Don't think so much about how you compare with others in your possessions and actions. Instead think about how you feel. ...How you're feeling is everything. How you're feeling is your point of attraction. How you're feeling is your asking from the Universe. How you're feeling is everything that is coming to you. If you're feeling unworthy, you can work day and night, night and day, everyday and not allow the very things you want to flow because your vibration is not allowing it and the Universe cannot buck your current. How you're feeling is everything. So if we were standing in your physical shoes, we would let the contrast naturally produce the desire. It will. And when we felt a desire within us, we would look at it, we would recognize the weirdness of it, we would recognize how unfamiliar it feels to us, and then we would do what is our work. Then we would do what is *our* work. Then *I* would do what is *my* work. Then I would go to my work. I would do the work I have been born to do. I would get on my path and I would do my work. My work is before me now. Now I know how to do my work. Now I know what I am responsible for. Now I know what I will do. My work is...it's simple. My work is to take that new desire and to play with it in my mind's eye until it *feels* familiar, until it feels like the manifestation of it is the next logical step.
I feel lost about my vocation. Help me with some clarity.
When you say you're lost and confused about vocation, we think that what that is about is -
You know what you're capable of doing,
You know what you can do.
You know what you don't want to do
You're not all that sure what you really want to do specifically, but you do know quite a bit.
In other words,
You know how you want to feel
You know you want to be of value.
You know you want it to be profitable.
You know you want to make a difference.
You know you would like to be heard
There is so much that you do know.
So why not talk about what you do know rather than amplify that you're lost and confused?
In other words, why not begin saying:
These are the things I do know:
I want it to be fun.
I want it to be profitable.
I want it to be fun like such and such.
I want it to be profitable like such and such.
I want it to be life-giving like such and such
In other words, You said something very powerful to us, you said, I am getting so good at this virtual reality and I'm having such a good time that I have set out to collect stuff to use in virtual reality. And we say, why not set out to collect stuff to use in virutal reality relative to vocation?
In other words, I want to be happy like that one.
I want to be prosperous like that one.
I want to have meaningful work like that one.
I want to have hours like that one.
I want to have an office like that one
or a working space like that one.
In other words, its the same sort of thing, collecting the data in order to generate the vibration, in order to hold yourself in the vibrational pattern that allows the outcome. Very clear, isn't it? and easy when we put it that way.
Abraham-Hicks, Albany, NY - 10/1/02
What are the benefits of basking?
You can feel good about the flower you are looking at, or the ocean that you are looking across, or about the smile upon the face of the child. You can be focused upon something like that and be feeling utter well-being. And in that moment of that basking, you are attracting the dollars that you want, you are attracting the abundance that you want, you are attracting the mate that you want -- you are attracting whatever it is that you want. It is about vibrating and allowing, you see? Abe -- G-2/1/92 (from the Abe calendar)
I am always financially strapped, what do I?
If there is not as much money in your experience as you want, it means one thing only: The balance of your thought regarding the subject of money is tipping more to the lack of it than to the having of it. You have only to deliberately and consciously offer more thought towards money than towards the lack of it. Abraham-Hicks, G 7/20/91 B
I really want to start my own business, but don't know my first step...any advice?
As you take the time to find images in your mind that are pleasing, you will more often achieve vibrational alignment with all the things that you desire. From that alignment, you will experience more inspired ideas and assistance form others. -Well Being Cards
What makes allowing abundance difficult?
What makes allowing abundance difficult? Awareness of not enough abundance. You can't have it both ways. You cannot focus upon the absence of money and let money in. It cannot be. You have to start finding moments that feel like you think you want to feel- and savoring them. G-10/5/02- Boston, MA.
Why do I have a hard time delegating?
Most people have a hard time delegating, or even wanting to delegate, because you have been justifying your existence through your hard work, and you equate success with struggle; you equate results with struggle. And so, you sort of wear your struggle like a badge of honor. And all of that is opposite of allowing the Well-being. The only thing that ever matters in success or achievement is your achieving the things that you want to achieve. So if you are setting standards and you're feeling uncomfortable about the standards that you've set, tweak the standards back a little bit. Ratchet it back a notch. Give yourself a break. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Lighten up. Be easier. Go slower. Take it easy. Have more fun. Love yourself more. Laugh more. Appreciate more. All is well. You can't get it wrong. You never get it done. San Antonio, TX -- 4/20/02 Abraham quaterly quotes July 2003
'Paying the price' of success does not make me feel good.
The sooner that you decide to stop 'paying the price,' the sooner success will come to you. ....there's something that goes like this: 'If I am going to have any gain, I have to have some pain. And if I don't pay the price, the rewards won't be that great.' And do you know who wrote those rules? THOSE WHO NEEDED YOU TO WORK FOR THEM! (Laughter.) The Universe has never said that you need to struggle, because the Universe operates on Law of Attraction, and the Universe knows it can yield to you and WILL, eternally, precisely as you FEEL. The Universe is answering your MOOD -- it is that simple. -- Abe, 4/15/00
Abraham, I want to win the lottery!
People, all the time, are saying to us, "Abraham, I want to win the lottery!" Well, we know why they want to win the lottery. That is logical. We want you to win the lottery! We would like you to allow the abundance that is natural to you to flow to you. We know that money is synonymous with freedom and that, the more freedom you feel, the more your valve is open and the more of it you spread around to others, you see.
But there's not one in a million of you who has opened enough outlets for that money to flow. You say, "I want ten kajillion dollars to come to me! And we say, "What would you do with it?" And you can only tell us what you would do with a few thousand. "Oh, I'd get out of debt," you say limply. "I'd buy a new car," you say limply.
We say, "You're asking for millions and you're [only] spewing ten thousand to the borders of the Universe." In other words, there's a tremendous imbalance. You've got to blast those Energy Dollars out there. "I'd do this. I'd do this. I'd do this. I'd do THIS. I'd do THIS. I'd do THIS. I'D DO THIS!" And, in the identifying of what you would do, you open valves. You create Energy vortexes. You create a funneling sensation that literally sucks, from the boundaries of the Universe, circumstances and events that will satisfy your desire.
This is what creation is!
Abraham-Hicks Phoenix, Arizona G-04-26-94
How can I make the best of this economy?
"You are having glorious economic times and there is not a reason for it to be otherwise -- for you as individuals, or for you collectively.
But don't let what they are doing collectively affect you individually, it need not.
Begin making statements that always keep you in the receiving mode, like: I'm not affected by what's happening outside of me
I'm only affected by the alignment of energy between my desires
I'm actually benefitting by what's taking place here because I'm giving more thought to what I'm really wanting
I'm fine tuning my desires in a more powerful way
I'm pulling more energy through me than I ever have before ... and I'm more deliberately paying attention to when I'm in the receiving mode than when I am not
I'm thriving during these economic times as I've done before
I anticipate that I will thrive even more during these economic times
These are boom times for me
This has really been clarifying times for me
I am summoning more energy than I ever have before
I'm clearer about what I'm knowing
I'm in a much better place this time than at any other time
I have a strong economic back drop or platform that I am launching from
All is really well here. Law of attraction will sort everything out and we are all doing extremely well.
And, when you hear others that are expressing otherwise, sometimes it is to your advantage to stop just for a brief moment and ask, "What is their reason for perpetuating this?"
And sometimes, in many cases the answer will be, and it will be accurate when it comes forth, "They just don't know any better." In other words they haven't thought it through, it's what every body is doing.
But sometimes the answer will be, "It is to their economic advantage to do so."
And as you begin to acknowledge how many people are using this to their economic advantage you won't worry about the economy any more."
G-3/24/01 San Rafael California
I'd like to feel like a Leisure Goddess all the time!
If you could just give you're undivided attention to where you want to go and never mind where you've been and stop trying to explain to everyone why you're standing where you're standing, you would clean your vibration up so fast you would attune to the vibration of your desire so quickly and people watching you would be amazed.
They would say, "Who anointed you king of the world?
How is it that you just wave your hand and whatever you want happens?
How is it that doors open for you, that seas part for you, that you barely get an idea about something and the Universe finds a way to help you manifest it?
How is it that you were born with this golden spoon in your mouth?
How is it that you are the most blessed person that we know?" the throngs will say to you.
And you will say, "All I do is think about what I want and let that dominate my vibration. And I don't pay too much attention to where I've been because it seems irrelevant. And I pay attention to the way I feel and when I don't feel good I try to feel better by thinking thoughts that feel better. And I've just trained myself to follow the good feeling."
Tarrytown, NY 5/8/04A
What does Abraham say about tithing?
"Now, let's talk about that subject of tithing for just a moment. A lot of people ask about tithing, because they have been told that there is benefit in it. And they're usually told that by those who will receive the benefit from their tithing. In other words, "tithing is a good thing, give your money to me and your life will be better," is the general picture of tithing. The reason that tithing is beneficial is because, if you feel abundant enough that you have excess that you don't have to have, the excess is a vibration of Well-being. In other words, "I've not only got enough money for what I need, I have extra money," and so, it's that vibration of Well-being that a allows more dollars to flow. So we encourage that you tithe your clothing account, that you tithe your vacation account, that you tithe your eating-at-a-special- restaurant account. In other words, you don't have to tithe a church or a guru. Tithe yourself, but get into the attitude of excess. In other words, "not only can I meet my basic requirements, but I have excess that I can do other things with", because it's that vibration of abundance, that vibration of excess."
What is the economy anyway?
The economy is the exchange of human energy.
We did not say the exchange of human activity.
The economy is the exchange of human energy, and it will expand or shrink depending upon the intent or desire of the masses.
So think about what's happening. Billions of people on this planet banging around with each other giving birth to constant new desire.
And remember, ask and it is given. So the nonphysical is answering that desire and a very small percentage of you are in a place of allowing the desire to flow.
Everyone could receive it, in other words the universe has the capacity to expand to fulfill...you could all be billionaires, every one of you. Every person on the planet. Because the universe has the capacity to expand to meet that, you see.
But there are not that many that are asking. And there are even fewer that are answering. You get a sense of how this works? Abraham San Francisco, CA 2/20 & 2/21/99 Tape 3
What is the perfect creative stance?
You want appreciation. Even though you like what's happening now doesn't mean that you still don't want appreciation or greater stimulation. It just means you're not using something in your now as your excuse to not let in all those things that you've been wanting. The perfect creative stance is satisfaction where I am, and eagerness for more. San Diego, CA - 8/11/01
I want to utilize the Energy to keep my abundance.
What about creating a very obvious positive current of financial abundance?
What about getting so good at visualizing that the money flows through you easily?
What about expending money?
Giving more people work?
Giving more people opportunity?
The more you spend, the more people benefit, and the more people get in on the game and dovetail with you. Your role is to utilize the Energy.
That's why you exist. You are an Energy-flowing being, a focuser, a perceiver.
You are a Creator. There is not anything worse in all of the Universe to do than to come forth into the environment of great contrast where desire is born easily and not allow Energy to flow to your desire. That is a true squandering of life.
G-10/12/97, Rye, NY
Why does a person's second million come much faster than their first?
Once the manifestations start coming in response, it gets easier and easier and easier...
Your second million will come much faster than your first, because as you get comfortable with the feeling of the first, the second is natural. And the third and fourth.
Esther heard a very wealthy man, Ted Turner, saying, "The world is awash in money." And he knew it as he spoke it. It is his experience, everywhere he turns. He gave a billion dollars to the United Nations. Money is flowing to him and through him, more than he could ever, in this lifetime and a hundred others, figure out what to do with on a personal basis.
"The world is awash in money!" And as Esther heard him say that, she knew he knew that. And she thought, "I know that, too. He knows it so clearly, that now I know it." It was something about the intensity with which he spoke it, that, in that moment, Esther knew it. And then, for the next month, she must have said that to Jerry 5,000 times. "The world is awash in money." It was a titillating thought to her, because she, like you, had seen where so many people had pinched themselves off from Well-being, that she'd come to believe that the world was not awash in money. She had come to believe that only a few had it, and they had it stashed back there somewhere where others could not get it. She thought that there was a lopsided thing...
The world is awash in money! Do you hear what that means? It is awash in money. It is flowing for everyone. It is like Niagara Falls. And most of you are showing up with your teaspoons.
There is no shortage of anything.
Those who believe there is shortage, hold themselves over in this place where they disallow the Energy from flowing to them. And so, in their resistance, they have it not. And then they say, "I am proof that there is shortage. And that man over there that is awash in money is the reason I don't have any." He has nothing to do with your shortage. He is evidence that there is an abundance.
Excerpted from Abraham-Hicks Workshop, Seattle, WA, 5/27/00
What if I want to manifest something large and complex?
Q: The thing was, my vision was really large or is really large, and complex. And it requires a lot of time, a lot of bringing people together, a lot of putting systems in place.
Abe: Now, we're not hearing a whole lot of pleasure from you. This feels arduous. In other words, this feels like "my long, uphill struggle on the way to my success."
Q: Well, the thing is I don't have those things in place, and the process of putting them in place is very energetic....
Abe: Well, maybe you're taking action too soon. Somebody's convinced you that even though your energy may not be lined up the way you want it, that if you'll just jump into action then other things will fall into place. And it's really a backwards approach to this because if you take the time to take the pleasure from the vision, then the Universe will line up the action and then it is effortless. You see, it just sort of keeps unfolding for you. It's like the next logical step–-oh, there it is; oh, there it is.
Q: The pressure was, and I learned it from your tapes [??], that I wanted it soon.
Abe: Why?
Q: Because I felt like I had to have it or something like that?
Abe: Why?
Q: Originally I think it was I felt incomplete without it.
Abe: Yeah, and you can't get there from there!
Q: (Agreeing:) You can't.
Abe: In other words, when you want something because you don't have it...
Q: Right.
Abe: ...do you hear what you're saying? "I want this thing that I do not have. I want this thing that I do not have."
Q: Instead of for the pure joy of it.
Abe: "I want this thing that I do not have." And when you say, "I want this thing. I want this thing. I want this thing because this thing is fun to think about. I want this thing because it gives me pleasure to think about it. I want this thing for the pleasure I can milk from it." We want you to reach the place where you say, "I want this thing but I don't want it to come too soon because I like using it as the focal point that keeps summoning things through me."
Q: I started saying that today, that's great.
Abe: "Because from the moment I started wanting this, good things started flowing. It gave me something to focus upon. It gave me a reason for life force to flow through me. It gave the Universe a reason to rendezvous me with lots of other things." In other words, "Wanting this thing is the very best thing I've ever done for myself. I'm not sure I ever want it to come to an end." And we say don't worry, it won't. (Laughter.) There will always be something more and something more. And that is the strongest point that we're wanting-–we have never before been in a group of such collective consciousness where there is such powerful intent all congealed in one focused place. We mean that. In other words, you are powerful wanters here. And the thing that we most want you to hear is that you will always be in the place of unfulfilled desire, get used to it. You will always be in the place of unfulfilled desire.
And so what you're wanting to do is say, "How much pleasure can I get from this unfulfilled desire and do I have another unfulfilled desire lined up before this one manifests because it is the unfulfilled desire that keeps summoning life through me." We would feel sorry for any of you who said, "Everything that I've ever wanted has already manifested," and we would say then your lights must be out.
It is the not-fulfillment that keeps summoning the life through you, and you know that so clearly that you commit yourself to lifetime after lifetime after lifetime because [it] is such a delicious journey.
Q: I have that, but what happens to me is that what I'm inspired by is large...
Abe: Yes.
Q: ...it takes time....
Abe: No, it doesn't. Big manifestations come more quickly than little manifestations because there's more energy involved. It is much easier to manifest a castle than it is a button, unless you really, really, really need that button.
Abraham-Hicks, L.A., CA, 3/4/00
Why isn't the money here yet?!
So as you are moving through your day and you notice that you have more desire or need for money than you actually have money and a big bill has come so you have this conflicting feeling where you want to spend it for this but you should spend it for this and even if you do pay it where it belongs there is not enough to really go around in the way you are wanting to. And in this frustrating moment of weighing the pros and cons of your experience, you fire off a rocket of desire big time.
You've asked in a very powerful way but the answer, even though its given, is not received because you are more aware of not having enough money then you are of having enough money. In your anxiety you are not in the receiving mode, in your anger or blame or guilt you are not in the receiving mode. In your awareness of not enough money you are not in the receiving mode for enough money so more money cannot come, not right now, nothing can change.
Now, you've asked, Source Energy hears you clearly, adores you fully, understands your worthiness entirely, and answers swiftly. So the answer is not just on the way, it is given. In other words, everything is lined up; the money SHOULD be there NOW. Why isn't it! Because you're ornery. (laughter)
You're worried, you're frustrated. You've got your receiver set to a whole different channel. And so even though the circumstances are lined up, everything is there for you, you're zigging while your stuff is zagging, and you say "nobody ever answers my request." And we say oh yes, your request is fully answered but you have just been confused about step 1(asking) and step 3 (allowing).
So the key is, once you become consciously aware that you want something different than what is, you have to through the power of your mind practice until you achieve a different vibration about that subject.
Abraham-Hicks, G-12/15/01
How can I get my business to prosper in new and profound ways?
In your moving yourself up the Emotional Scale, your business will begin to prosper in new and profound ways! Your business, your relationships, your finances cannot grow beyond your emotional response--nothing can grow beyond your emotional response. Everything matches your Set-point of emotions on every subject that exists.
From the Quarterly Journal Jul/Aug/Sep 2004
What is the basis of success?
Therein lies the basis of anyone's success: How much do I practice thoughts that bring me joy, and how much do I practice thoughts that bring me pain? San Francisco, CA -- 3/8/03
Is debt a bad thing?
Debt is not a bad thing. The largest corporations in the world are operating under huge debt--much more debt than you would even ever want to contemplate. And if debt were to evaporate from your world economy, your world economy would collapse. And so it's time to stop feeling negative about debt. Debt is not a bad thing. It's a promise of the future.
In a competitive situation where one person wins the trophy means the other person loses it...how can each of them receive what they want?
By recognizing that there are many and unlimited trophies.
Of course, when you are putting yourself in competition and there is only one trophy, you are putting yourself automatically in a situation of knowing that only one will win the trophy.
The one who is clearest...the one who is wanting most...and the one who is believing most...will win it!
Competition can be an advantage to assist you in stimulating your clarity of what you are wanting and to stimulate or enhance your wanting...and, for that reason...it is good!
But...we would encourage you not to put yourself in competition where there is only one trophy but instead to see this world filled with enough abundance so that all who seek may achieve whatever they are wanting.
AB-3 Law of Deliberate Creation
Am I really the boss of me?
There isn't anything that I cannot be or do or have, and I have a huge Nonphysical staff that's ready to assist me, and I'm ready. G-1/12/97, Boca Raton, FL
Are some jobs more joyful than others?
There is no high work and low work. There are just opportunities to focus. You can feel as fulfilled and satisfied in any task as in any other. You are on the leading edge of thought, and Source is flowing through you- no matter what your endeavour is. You can be joyful in any endeavour that you decide to allow the Energy to flow. Boca Raton, FL - 12/7/02
To work hard or to not work hard is the question --- NOT!
But you see, you have more choices than you are giving us here. In other words, you have the choice of going to Octoberfest and giving yourself a break, and reminding yourself that you deserve a little time off and that life is about the process and that you never get it done and that life is supposed to be fun and that you deserve a little refreshment and that the refreshment will put you in a better place of clarity to achieve AND YOU ALSO HAVE THE OPTION OF not going to Octoberfest, of staying and working and feeling proud of your work and exhilarated in the motion forward and happy that you took the time.
In other words, you've got the choice of going to Octoberfest and being happy or miserable and you've got the choice of not going and being happy or miserable.
And what we are wanting to say in a way that you can hear it is: THE ACTION IS IRRELEVANT. It's how YOU DECIDE to FEEL within the action that you have chosen that matters, you see.
We see so many people that work really really hard and feel resentful of how hard they are working and get nowhere from their hard work. And we see people who are working really hard who believe that they are supposed to work hard and feel proud of working hard, who achieve from working hard. And we see people who don't work hard at all, who feel really guilty about not working hard at all who don't make anything happen because they feel so guilty about not working hard at all. And we see people not working hard at all who understand that it doesn't take hard work, who thrive in their not working hard at all.
THE ACTION IS IRRELEVANT. Its the way you've lined up your energy around the action.
If someone has convinced you that it takes really-really hard work and lots of concentration and struggle in order to really succeed, but they've convinced you that hard work and struggle will give you success, then you better work really-really hard and if you are willing to work really-really hard, you can find your success.
But we promise you, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO work hard and struggle in order to have success UNLESS you believe you have to work hard and struggle in order to have success.
Its all about your personal alignment of energy.
On work and play
Abraham: As the virtuous being that you want to be, do you really think that it is better to work or to play?
Audience: PLAY!!!!!
Abraham: Really? You really think that?
You think that now... You think that now because we have influenced you to ... but ... now think about your children. So, it's Saturday morning and you have a long list of things that need to be done AND this is the only opportunity AND they want to play.
Do you want them to play or do you want them to do their chores, WHICH is a virtuous thing?
And how do you counsel them, Do you say 'Kids, PLAY!' or do you say 'Kids, we've got some things that need to be done and when we get our work done then we can play." What is it folks? In other words, YOU CAN'T KID US, WE READ YOUR ENERGY!!!!!
You DO think that work is more virtuous and that play is more frivolous, and while you want to give yourselves permission to play, you've been programmed to believe that play is only when the work is done...
And we're wanting you to realize whether you call it play or work ... let's not call it play or work anymore, let's call it satisfaction, let's call it meaningful experience, let's call it joyous moments in time, let's call it mining opportunities to feel good.
We think it's the differentiation between my free time and my bondage time that is at issue here.
Abraham-Hicks, Cinn, Ohio -- 9/23/02 - Side 2
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